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  1. J

    Why are my plants flowering early and what should I do about it?

    Thanks for all the info. I do have one plant that is flowering I think (see pic attached). If I am going to keep giving veg nutes to these guys in preflower, will that harm the one that is flowering? (it is on the same drip line). If not, I was thinking I would just handwater in the one...
  2. J

    What can happen if I give my flowering plants nitrogen-heavy fertilizers?

    I have two plants that are flowering before all the others on the same irrigation line. So they are receiving large amounts of nitrogen-heavy fertilizers and other nutrients focused on vegetative growth (which is what the other plants on the line are going through). A few questions: 1) will...
  3. J

    Why are my plants flowering early and what should I do about it?

    These indicas are being grown outside and it is only July 21st. However, I'm seeing pre-flowering on almost all of them. This seems way too early to me (aren't they supposed to flower in the fall?) and I was hoping I could keep them in veg growth longer so that they would be bigger. A few...
  4. J

    Have one plant flowering early - can this negatively affect the rest in any way?

    Thanks. Good to know that it won't induce the others to flower early! Is there any way to put the plant back into veg state? I've heard you can pinch the tops?
  5. J

    Have one plant flowering early - can this negatively affect the rest in any way?

    I have one plant that is flowering too early. It just started this week. It is in an outdoor garden with many other plants still in veg. 1) Is there any way to return this plant to veg state? (topping?) It is still on the same nutrient (high N) and light (outdoors) regimen as the others...