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    wen to plant and transplant

    bump can sum1 please reply
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    wen to plant and transplant

    ok i think im gunna plant my marijuana in a plastic party cup then transplant in the ground outside once it gets to the right size but can someone tell me the steps on how to do it from wut soil i am to use and how to transplant. and also is this a good time to do this or should i wait till...
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    need some feedback please

    ok i got sold this shit for 10 bucks and i havent seen anything so big(btw its marijuana) and its leaves are about 6-7 inches long. i dont think its fully grown i had to dry it. i was @ a party and some kid sed it was some tennis ball shit. it gives u a different high. wut the hell is he talking...
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    has anyone used...

    well i always wanted to try growing some whitewidow. the only way i can get it is on the internet.but i have no credit card :( wut can i do?
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    Grow Of Nothing

    one thing i would suggest is that around my area. there is numerous people that have homeade deer/animal feeders. i might be round but they might think its a feeder with food for them. just a thought and also, wut kinda soil do u have in those buckets?
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    has anyone used...

    has anyone used the links above and below (the amsterdam Seeds and Nirvana). i was looking at it and the amsterdam seeds looks pretty reliable. anyonein the Us or else tried it and didnt get caught?
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    finding a head shop

    well the problem with that is i dont got a credit card
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    finding a head shop

    ok ive got some trouble trying to find a head shop. i have been wanting a bong for a while now. i live in this town with about 5500 ppl and theres not one here. i live in southern IL. can anyone help me?
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    really newby

    lol well is there any spray of some sot to keep any harmful bugs away?
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    can they detect them if they are inside your home?
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    really newby

    ok wigmo i will thanks for the advice. never can get to much advice
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    My homeade pipe

    tell me wut u was one of my first ones made. i used to make a lot to exchange for a lil weed here in there. but now since my dad is retired i cant use his lathe any more : because hes around all the time
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    St0ned's 1st Grow!

    wut do u mean clone wut do u do there? and btw nice girls! they look pretty good
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    really newby

    thanks for your comment. ok i got that. now wut about the fertilizer. and nutrients wut should i go with for that
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    really newby

    ok i just scored botu 10 seeds. ive desided to grow them outdoors in a perfect spot for sunlight and water. now i know im missing a lot in between. i was thinking about digging a hole and puting dead leaves on the bottom then i dont know the rest. help me. i know i wont be starting till next...