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    Best Rolling Papers, etc (FOR TASTE!)

    Ill second the RAW paper... I find usually with hemp gum it sticks like shit, the gum on those is fanstastic for back rolling, it has a weird square pattern on the paper that makes it burn evenly, not to mention all the non bleach thin paper stuff.. Tastes great every time...
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    can someone tell me if my plant is ill or hungry please???

    If your ppm is 680 without nutes I would get better water see if that helps
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    RollitUp *FIRST* 2'x2.5'x5' 400wHPS SCRoG

    Nice DIY sir... Loving the mid air ballast next to the vent... Did you plan that or was it meant to be? Also im having trouble finding panda film in the UK... Great to use google if I wanna find Kung Fu Panda... You said to maybe try a 600... I wouldnt really wanna spend money on a 600w set...
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    RollitUp *FIRST* 2'x2.5'x5' 400wHPS SCRoG

    Thanks for the reply, +rep... I havent bought anything as of yet, was just working out what I need, the only thing I was really unsure about was what fan power I would need... Im not that handy with DIY, so thats why I was going to opt for a tent, as I could probably get my stoner mind round...
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    RollitUp *FIRST* 2'x2.5'x5' 400wHPS SCRoG

    Hi there, been looking through your thread, I was planning on getting a tent about that size and wanted to use a 400w, do you find you can manage temp easy enough with a 240cfm?
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    BioBizz Questions?

    Buy the All mix as its got more nutes which the plant will need through its life... However depending on strain you may wanna start it off in regular cheap ass soil so it doesnt get burned... Also go with the bio biz nutes as they are tailored for the soil, also means you can use the feeding...
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    Bf Lsd 600w Hps, 5th Week of Vegging

    Hi there! Im so excited about starting my BF LSD!.. Just waiting for my current grow to finish... Im planning a whole new flowering tent as Im currently using CFL's and am unsure weather to go for an aircooled 400w or 600w hps... My space is a bit smaller than yours at 3x3x5, but I was just...
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    Home Security Thread

    In UK you can apply for a gun licence, for hunting/tartget shooting but there are stupid rules... Like your gun and your ammo have to be on 2 different floors idealy... Ammo has to be locked away in a safe at all times and a few others... Its not really worth the hassle for all you can use it...
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    Barney's Farm Lsd Fem

    Waiting for my current grow to finnish then starting some LSD from seed..., Zweezd, do you have gaps in your grow area that let any light in?
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    250w Cfl

    makes sense robbie, will definately try that next time, thanks, +rep to both you guys
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    250w Cfl

    ty, and budsites were thanks to the lst, i thought lsting was just to maximise light usage, but it also creates extra growth off of the colas that form new colas, wish I could have left this one tied down but didnt wanna risk further splitting >.< As for supercropping, I havent tried it as im...
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    250w Cfl

    It was my last Fem Big bud seed and a bagseed (that later turned out to be male), heres a few pics from the grow... Pics 1+2: My grow closet, 2 plants, Big bud is the one on the left, second picture is it after it was topped... Pics 3+4: Week before flowering, only 2 colas lst'd down to match...
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    250w Cfl

    Watch out though with the lst, the plant im growing at the moment split in the centre stem vertically from lsting too fast... Doesnt seem to have made much of a difference however, and was a pretty big split about an inch long :/
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    Soil Ph. How Important is it to Get it Just Right?

    the only problem i know of wrong PH in soil is that it prevents certain nutes from disolving properly leading to a build up of useless salts of which can be toxic to the plants, im not sure what levels of PH would cause this, but I guess even if its slightly over what it should be there will...
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    250w Cfl

    Yeah thats what I do to mine, works wonders to the colas when you LST them...
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    shake the rockwool, squeezing it crushes air holes
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    250w Cfl

    My bad, meant per harvest ^^
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    250w Cfl

    Thats 90g dry wieght, from Nirvana's Big Bud fem... As for the blue spec 250, I heard that it would help along side a HID as supplemental lighting as you need a 2:1 ratio of red to blue light in flowering, not sure what it would do on a 1:1... Do you lst the canopy or any other techniques?
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    250w Cfl

    This is my second grow and its much better this time round, I have a similar 250w to the one your getting, I would say stick with the 2 plants and just train them to an even canopy, I top at the 4th node then lst the heads, I veg for about a month, starting them in 2 gal/ 8 ltr pots then in 3rd...
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    1 out of 11 clones survived FML... Keep it inside or what?!? Please help

    Ive had better results keeping them inside, every time ive tried taking one outside it gets torched...