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  1. CdZc

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    4 plants, 24/7 light. there's mold in the soil?
  2. CdZc

    why are my leaves turning brown?

    2 females, 4th week budding 12/12, one is beautiful no flaws at all, hope to put the pics up soon. but the other one is fading, the tip of the leaves are turning brown and curling, nothing has changed, i dont know what it could be. using 2 1500 lumins cfls and 1 1100, using 15 10 15 nutrients...
  3. CdZc


    five 7inch beauties, 11inches wide. just started the 12n12, when will i be able to pick and harvest them?
  4. CdZc

    I have 5 beautiful females

    they have been growing for about 2 months now, starting their 6th nold, each nold is about 1/2 inch apart. just wondering when would be a good time to start flowering. also have a very very bushy one that only stands about 4.5 inches and its also starting on its 6th nold. should i let this one...
  5. CdZc

    Need Help

    ok, I stopped using the plant food but I was thinking of using some of the soil right outside my house. It looks pretty nice, I might try that. So far I have 3 sprouting! They're looking good. Thanks for all the help! Ill try to get pictures up!
  6. CdZc

    Help Me Pick My Next Three Plants For My Grow Closet

    I was looking at papaya seeds, those look good, they say you get a narcotic effect from them which with probly knock you out some lol
  7. CdZc

    Need Help

    regular bought soil mix with nuts and fertilizer.
  8. CdZc

    Need Help

    okay. I just switched them out of the grow box and they've sprouted now, they are in 70degrees with 50Humidity. and within a couple hours they have shown growage so thank you guys so much! Ill keep updating!
  9. CdZc

    Need Help

    Yeah I germinate them in the dark, and let them sprout then plant them and put the light on. But what i want to know is if they dont sprout in 4 days after they are planted am i wasting electricity?
  10. CdZc

    Need Help

    ok Thank you. I have one more question..If they still continue not to sprout right away, how long should i wait before i take the light off them?
  11. CdZc

    Need Help

    I have two 1500 lumens CFL's and three 1200 lumens CFL's in my 2ft by 1ft deep homemade grow box. Germinated my seeds for about a week, planted them roots down, seeds up but just a little dirt over the seeds. Ive been using plant food 10-15-10, i know its weak but it's the only thing i could...
  12. CdZc

    How many CFL lights do I need?

    I am working on 2 new plants I just started and I have 5 23W CFL's, I though my electric bill would be a problem but it didn't make much of a difference.
  13. CdZc

    How Much Wattage, How Many Bulbs?

    I would do 24/24 for the first couple weeks then switch off, It's always worked better for me that way. Im working on 2 plants with 5 23W CFL's.