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  1. pimpsmatt

    low serotonin levels but I still wanna roll

    everytime i roll i consistently feel a little depressed the next day, but unless your an emotional pussy its nothing you shouldnt be able to handle. but then again, if you think your "seratonin levels are low" you might fall into this category.
  2. pimpsmatt

    12 Step LSA

    i thought i read a thread here were a few of you guys tried the p/np method without very good results?
  3. pimpsmatt

    Opiate Potentiates?

    i find that when i take benzos along with my ocaisional methadone or heroin dose it definately multiplies the effects. much more so than either one on its own. guaranteed nods! very dangerous though. it will kill less the less experienced. only 1cc? i usualy use about 15-20cc's per shot.
  4. pimpsmatt

    12 Step LSA

    1) grind about 100-200 heavenly blue morning glory seeds (rough estimate, dosage may vary) in a cofee grinder until it is a fine powder. 2) place the powder in a jar with about 2-3 cups of distilled water. add a few ice cubes and about a tablespoon of lemon juice. 3) let sit in a...
  5. pimpsmatt

    12 Step LSA

    a simple cold water extrtaction will work. it is much easier and more efficiant than the polar/nonpolar extraction method.
  6. pimpsmatt

    late start, will i get buds?

    no gps here unfortunatly. i made suttlle markers on the trees nearby with that orange tape surveyors use. gotta rely on that and memory.
  7. pimpsmatt

    late start, will i get buds?

    ^ yea they didnt start in the best growing conditions. after about the first month i got them in the ground with good soil and sunshine and they began to gow better. i used a little fish emulsion for nutes. they do have the asymetrical growth so i guess im good. i wont get big buds but i got a...
  8. pimpsmatt

    late start, will i get buds?

    ive got some small young plants growing outside (southeast us). they are only a few months old and about a foot or so tall, grown from bagseed. i know this is the time of year when flowering begins and i want to know if my plants are mature enough to begin flowering before its too late in the...
  9. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    ^yea i need to stop fucking with this backyard shit and order some heavenly blues. who knows though, i might drink my home brew and get my mind blown!
  10. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    heavenly blue will work perfect. organic and untreated is good also bc sometimes they are coated with some type of mercury chemical which isnt good for your insides. wash em up real good anyway though. do some research. i learned most of what i know from erowid...
  11. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    btw does anyone have any experience with any of the lsa extraction methods for morning glory or hawaian baby woodrose? any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. eventually i want to try a solvent based extraction.
  12. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    i havent heard of an overdose of morning glory yet but the seeds do contain a type of vascodiolator which constricts the blood vessels of the extremities. if taken on a regular basis (like everyday for a month or somthing) it can cause gangrene and eventualy loss of limbs. i think its similar to...
  13. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    yea ill post up some pics when i get a chance and maybe someone can id it for me. the flowers are blue, but im sure there are many genuses (geni?) with blue flowers.
  14. pimpsmatt

    Oxy Online?

    oxycontin is oxycodone. percacet is oxycodone and acetaminophen (tylenol). oxycontin is "speacial" because it comes in very high mgs compared to percs and it can easily be injected or snorted due to the absence of the acetaminophen. i dont think its special enough to warrant a 60-80$ price tag...
  15. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    from what i understand, after a pollinated flower blooms and wilts, a small pod is left behind wich will swell up a bit, dry up, turn brown and then eventualy open up, releasing the seeds. i believe the pods can be harvested before they open and you can dry them yourself, but im not positive...
  16. pimpsmatt

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    thanks alot! erowid has been my only source of info apart from this subsection. you just saved me 5 seconds of googling! (not meant to be sarcastic btw).
  17. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    thanks for the link but every erowid report on morning glory seems to be based on store bought seeds or seeds that are taken fron a known speices (usualy Ipomoea violacea). i guess what im asking is are there a speices of morning glory that have no usable phycoactive substances, and are the wild...
  18. pimpsmatt

    lsa content in wild morning glory

    in my area (southeast us) morning glory grows abundantly in the wild. do these wild varieties contain any significant lsa in the seed?
  19. pimpsmatt

    Ritalin injectable, snorting all that good shit

    cocaine can be physicaly addictive, especialy when its injected on a regular basis. it aint shit compared to opiate withdrawls though.
  20. pimpsmatt

    Ritalin injectable, snorting all that good shit

    ive injected adoral once. had to put some heat too it for it to dissolve. it was ok, kinda like a weak coke shot. not worth stabbin yourself though, but ive learned that nothing really is no matter how good it makes you feel. just snort the shit.