Search results

  1. ReggieGray

    Best Stoner Movie

    how high, i fucking love that movie, meth n red BIATCH
  2. ReggieGray

    How much does a OZ go in your town?

    ive heard that because my dealer gives a bit more, i couldnt get basically an ounce for £60, but ive heard £100 for an actual o, fuck knows man, ive never been lucky enough to buy that much... yet.
  3. ReggieGray

    I GOT A DOG! And I got us both high, need to name him

    call the dog nesta man
  4. ReggieGray

    First Time Grower in a shed in the uk

    wats up people, i love this site like. anyway im a first time grower, and i want to grow in a shed, but i live in Edinburgh, and choppers fly near my house everyday, im not too sure if they actually go over the place where i want this shed (right at the end of my garden) anyway, i was...