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  1. B

    A little assistance?

    Yeah alright, umm so far I just want a single plant to grow, a personal plant, thats all. growing it in my room. I want to grow using soil only as well as fertilizer. and not sure on the ved cycle yet. but i will know when the time comes.
  2. B

    A little assistance?

    willl a florecsent blacklight work? I have one and its right next to me now, but im not sure if thats the correct light. otherwise i can get the other tube on it. the fan has been put in place as well.
  3. B

    A little assistance?

    getting a fan on it now... low med or hi? and its a 60 wat standard light bulb
  4. B

    A little assistance?

    the florescent i will be using is a tube used for aquarium lighting for a 55 gal tank, im just trying to use the resources i have.... very few, the light buld is just a standart and yes... it is about 6 inches of stem before the leaves start coming into place so im guessing that is a bad thing...
  5. B

    A little assistance?

    Well i read up on the how to grow section 3 weeks prior to starting, thanks to this site i knew how to do all of this so far, but now im just at a tricky part. and the other details is that i think its starting to get rams horns brown tips, probably from stress so i will get the soil damp enough...
  6. B

    A little assistance?

    Now that i think of it it is kind of retarded with the tin foil.... im removing the foil now, and a 1 gal then, then it should be more happy ill post pics sometime if i can find a camera. what ohter advise can i get, on its only stalk it has 2 oval leaves and one female leaf at the top
  7. B

    A little assistance?

    The cup is at around say 8 or 10 oz and the pot its going to will be a half galleon so it should not have problems with root room
  8. B

    A little assistance?

    Yeah im thinking about a transplanting tomorrow, its about 4 or 5 inches tall right now and the tin foil is because i dont want light getting to the roots cuz i got stupid and used a clear cup, but from the looks of it from what you all say, its more harm than good, the watering is once every 3...
  9. B

    A little assistance?

    I forgot its also in good ph soil and has perfect drainage, its growing in a plasic cup wraped in tin foil
  10. B

    A little assistance?

    Hey right now I have been growing my first grow for about 3 weeks and so far its still just a seedling and its got a 60 wat bulb helping it for now and moving to a nice florecent later. But now it has come to a halt in growth and i forgot why that would happen, its a female plant and has been...