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  1. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    thanks alot man. i was pretty suprised myself. if i knew how to +rep i would
  2. ManDude

    Whats the best watt CFL?

    thanks roseman. you have 100% sold me on CFLs for my cab. when i get it all together i will post a new thread. and to think i was even considering a HPS lol.
  3. ManDude

    Whats the best watt CFL?

    was it pretty cheap?
  4. ManDude

    Whats the best watt CFL?

    I have this cabinet i just bought. and i wanna turn it into a grow cab. Its 3ft wide 6ft tall and 2ft deep. i currently have a grow in my closet and i wanna upgrade to this cab. i have 2 26w and 2 13w cfl. how many more cfls should i add?which ones get the best results? or should i just say fuck...
  5. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    thanks for the suggestion man.
  6. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    Thanks for the advice illegal smile. i have been meaning to go out and get a microscope for quite some time now. and i have also heard that u can judge your harvest based on the color of the pistils. when most of the have withered into the flower and turned orangish brown. is that a good way to...
  7. ManDude

    Happy birthday!!!!

    Today is MY birthday!!!! YES! i got an aerogarden lmao.
  8. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    so here she is, and yet another day away from harvest.. and i still dont know when i am going to chop her down. its killing me!!! i dont want her to be tooo done. but i dont want her to be premature. ARGGHH!! any input would be great. there is over 100 veiws and only 10 comments. half are...
  9. ManDude

    Meteor shower is coming!! Could be a real showstopper!

    we(my girlfriend and i) are in northeastern part of the country. and would love to see this... is it to late? lol. were stoned
  10. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    i think im gonna harvest according to the color change of the pistils and the trics. i have a decent camera and can get a good look at the trics. half are about cloudy. and like 14% of the pistils are turning orangish. i think i will know when she looks "done". if i dont get it perfect this time...
  11. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    that is correct. and he gave me a shitload of them seeds too. tommorrow i am going to post new pics, and i was wondering if any of you novice growers have any suggestions when to harvest her. i was thinking in about a week. the very first pics in this thread are the most up to date ones...
  12. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    here's some more pics from when she was younger. its a blast watching her grow. and i must say that no matter how much people swear by CFL's... it does take a long time to flower. well atleast it seems like it does. and since this is bagseed and i dont know the strain it could be just a long...
  13. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    and i have never checked the PH and in the thread it states that the only nutes i use were fertilizer spikes that were disolved in water
  14. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    the strain on the older lady is unknown from bagseed. and the younger one in the last pic is seeds that my uncle got from his friend that grew and didnt pull his males. his seeds were supposedly from the internet when he started growing. but i can definitly tell the difference
  15. ManDude

    First Grow 4 CFL and Shop light

    SO this is my first grow ever. and i just used a flowerpot, MG soil, bagseed, feed spike for flower(the kind u can get at drugmart for 5 bucks and they feed for up to 2 months), and 2 26w and 2 13w cfl(both softwhite) and a shop light(coolwhite). i started outside and moved inside when i wanted...
  16. ManDude

    Is it too late to save this plant?

    that plants toast!
  17. ManDude

    10 plants Gone outta Back Yard.

    beartraps. thats the only solution
  18. ManDude

    need help please

    i would just leave her outside and set up a slow drip system... like a tiny hole in a milk jug. fill her up and pray fo the best
  19. ManDude

    Looking better than I expected...

    her retarded sister isnt looking half bad. as for the big girl, she is looking great. i wouldn't worry to much about the "singe" look. maybe just flush with water for a few days?? i wouldn't know, im still a begginer myself. and your yeild should be decent. but once again i couldnt tell you...
  20. ManDude

    Looking better than I expected...

    heres the AG. i plan on letting these clones get a decent root mass, then gonna make a bigger set up with a 5 gal tote.