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  1. 4

    How much do you pay for 1/8?

    where i live i can get an 1/8 of dank for 25 bucks.
  2. 4

    anyone have problems with PS3?

    yeah that happened to me too. do what k-town said, it works because i did it when i had that problem.
  3. 4

    Has anyone grown outdoors in south western ohio

    i am stuck with growing stealth indoors and would love to move outdoors. has anyone ever tried growing in ohio outdoors and had some kind of success and decent yield.
  4. 4

    Growers 21 and under

    i am only 16
  5. 4

    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    yes i am. it is my first grow and i am doing it under cfl's.
  6. 4

    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    i'm from ohio
  7. 4

    When to flower with height restrictions

    i am not worried about the yield i just want to get some experience and get through a plant. i am going to try to lst. do you think at around 7 to 8 inches it would be good to switch to flowering?
  8. 4

    When to flower with height restrictions

    i was wondering when i should start to flowering my plants. my grow space is stealth and only 14 inches tall. when should i switch from vegetative stage to flowering stage?
  9. 4

    CFL watts

    i am just starting my first grow and i wanna know how many watts you need for one plant. i am going to lst it and i have one 28 watt cfl and one 65 watt cfl. is that enough?
  10. 4

    Root structure question...

    you should probably repot them in a deeper pot because when the roots get cramed the growth of the plant slows down and can even stop.
  11. 4

    Fans and ventilation

    This is my first time growing and i am doing a low stress training grow under my bed. For fans is it ok if there is just air blowing on the plants with only a little bit of ventilation and new air?
  12. 4

    When should I begin flowering?

    You can flower whenever you want to. just switch your light schedule to 12/12 and you will start to see sex characteristics in your plant.