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  1. chart06

    White Wiggly Worms..Help..

    I have the same problem :\
  2. chart06

    2 125w CFL or 1 300w CFL

    sorry for posting it up twice. my pc is fucking up. hope mods will clear one. thanks
  3. chart06

    2 125w CFL or 1 300w CFL

    Hi. I have 10 Nl seeds, i would like to ask what lights would be better for vegging from seed. 2 125w CFL or 1 300w CFL . I was thinking of getting one of these...
  4. chart06

    2 125w CFL or 1 300w CFL

    Hi. I have 10 Nl seeds, i would like to ask what lights would be better for vegging from seed. 2 125w CFL or 1 300w CFL . I was thinking of getting one of these...
  5. chart06

    hi, could i ask u, how big is ur lamp 125 mm ar 150mm? and what kinda fan are u running. thanks

    hi, could i ask u, how big is ur lamp 125 mm ar 150mm? and what kinda fan are u running. thanks