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    Aussie OutDoor Grow Video 2 Months old

    G'day RollItup'Ers! >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Video Iv'e made a video of this seasons outdoor grow i had to start later then i wanted to because my first crop got eatin by cows the hole lot!!! But now i have a new...
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    my winter girl grow

    mine just sprouted going to move them outside soon. at the moment i'm not using any light source wat so ever.
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    yeah bro there 7cm tall and there got white hairs on top this does not mean they will flower now i think its just them showing there sex...
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    okay thanks mate , im going to put them in the ground in a day or so i have a feeling there root bound. there about 10cm tall not growing to much. people if you go back a few pages you will see the pot size there in cheers guys
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    okay for the last week or so i have been feeding them with MG using the small scoop half full to 700ml water .. there doing okay but should i be fertilizing them every day? at the moment i just do it every 3 days once in the morning then just pure water in the after noon , then water every...
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    ok i have some fertilizers here rdy for the 3 week mark. i have Miracle Grow 15-12-13 This is all i have it would be to expensive for me to order from overseas to get the good stuff Should i look for some organic fertilizers instead is miracle grow as bad as they say? its hard to find a...
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    hmm you made me worried so i went and brought them back inside they were out for 1h and half..
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    okay keeping mind its not that hot outside now 31c google translate that for F
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    ok well to bad i will have to plant more 2 tundra's seeds germinating now.. If i want to make more seeds i need to pollinate a female plant? with a male?
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    Here are the babies Day 1 Automaria Feminised 8 weeks till Harvest if goes to plan. The far one stands taller... They will be going outside under the sun Tomorrow Mean whine i have to get my self a 3gallon pot and some kind of organic soil before they out grow this pot ..
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    They have both sprouted! my question is should i now out them outside my only concern is its 105F hot! right now at the moment they are at the window.. but not direct light..
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    Im looking for a quick grow .. if i get 700g with both plants i will be very happy. i was drawn to the fact that in 8 weeks the plant would be done start to finish..
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    okay thank you sir i will get a 3g...
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    i am going to go to my local garden shop and look at purchasing some pots and some organic soil what size pot should i be looking at to ensure that it does not become rootbound .
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    1.5 gram bud canabutter now what?

    looking back at this milkshake thing hahaha === stupid idea
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    Thanks mate i have planted them now . will post pics when they sprout this is going to be awesome 7 - 8 weeks to harvest from sprout :leaf::leaf::leaf: :bigjoint:
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    another question will i need to put them in sunlight or can i keep them in a hot/warm room untill they sprout?
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    Okay the seeds have now sunk to the bottom so im now in the process of planting i just checked PH level and its 7 is this okay? if not how do i lower it
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    Aussie Outdoor Grow AutoFlowering

    i paid with direct deposit straight into there australian bank account.