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  1. J

    round leaves ???????????i need help

    thats normal as long as the top are the serrated ones ur a ok, im guessing they are tiny atm all is well :D
  2. J

    seek advice

    not sure my dirt was a mix of some dirt I had at home and some bagged stuff that wasnt pre-fert
  3. J

    seek advice

    this is only happening on the lower leaves the top ones are just a little curled and have the tips a little burn, I havent used any feed on them only pHing my water, so this leaves a dilemma, the light is approx 40-50cms from the tops, what is suggested to get my plants back on track?
  4. J

    seek advice

    the close up pic is it male? best pic i could get apologies :( 2nd pic is my female plant hows it looking, i think its rather tall and no where near bushy enough 3rd pic the leaves close up, dying but I'm not sure why
  5. J

    Flowering vegging question

    Hello all been growing a few plants switched the lighting to flowering after about 5 days or so turns out all but one are male, I was now wondering if switching it back to vegging and using it now as a mother plant would be fine and just use it for clones?