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  1. GratefulDank420

    sick after smoke

    So I got to feelin really weird the other day I did shrooms the night before wake n baked with a few bowls and some bong rips then I literally could not move for a few hours I felt Queasy and had a fever...?
  2. GratefulDank420

    Police kill innocent pastor|hp-laptop|dl1|link3| this father to be pastor was shot and killed by undercover police because he was IN THE CAR...
  3. GratefulDank420

    White stuff on plant?

    so i was checking on my plant and there was white wet stuff on it kinda like paint but there were other weeds etc around but my stuff was the only one marked is this natural or is someone letting me know they know about it...? please get back to me
  4. GratefulDank420

    Krispie Treats

    oh.. my.. god does it get you feelin good and how much bud do you use?
  5. GratefulDank420

    Best Food When High

    anything in my sight usually brownies
  6. GratefulDank420

    Remember your first date with mary jane

    My first time I went into a valley with some friends and in the valley there were some gnarly couches everyone blazed at and I got soo high I lost all my senses, never been that high again What about your first time??
  7. GratefulDank420

    Ignorance Is bliss? Or the truth?

    I can relate to you in pretty much everything you said and what I learned is when you have all this knowledge you're mind gets overwhelmed, the truth hurts,
  8. GratefulDank420

    Something Deep

    woo now that i look at that i was hiiiigh
  9. GratefulDank420

    Something Deep

    so i hit the sweet leaf and watched that movie waking life and they talked about how there are 6-12 minutes of brain activity after you die and a sleeping second is like infinity longer than a waking second so could you.. live an entire other life in a dream state after you die?
  10. GratefulDank420

    Question on acid

    Haha that is awesome
  11. GratefulDank420

    New Grower

    Ok i Just put my germinated seed in the pot which im growing indoors on aerogarden lights, when should i turn the lights on and how much water should i give it
  12. GratefulDank420

    ~~~Post & Watch Your Favourit Movies~~~

    Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas:joint:
  13. GratefulDank420

    Favorite Guitar Players?

    George Harrison and JEEERRRRYY :joint:
  14. GratefulDank420

    Question on acid

    I'm gonna do acid for the first time in about a month, any help on what to expect?
  15. GratefulDank420

    Great weed sing by MC Chris

    have you heard "wiid" by mc chris its sick nasty
  16. GratefulDank420

    Any Pink Floyd fans out there???

    yup wake n baked to The Wall yesterday
  17. GratefulDank420

    Question on watering

    I Just planted my germinated seed now how often do I water?