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  1. N

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Feel free to point out which part of my advice was wrong. Double harvests work with marijuana if you properly snip your branches and don't just hack off the main stem.
  2. N

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Meant to say PPM instead of EC in my first post. Apologies. Your leaves should definitely not be turning yellow that early in flowering. They shouldn't turn yellow until your second harvest is just about up. If they do so earlier it's a nutrient problem and you are hurting your overall...
  3. N

    purple on leaves???

    It's difficult to help you with those pictures. The types of light you're using alter the true coloration of the leaves and your pictures are blurry to boot. Turn off your LEDs for a minute and give us some fluorescent lighting so it's easier to see, or snip off a leaf and hold it under your...
  4. N

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Are you running a hydro, aero, or soil system? Your solution will vary depending on which you're running. It looks like a magnesium deficiency to me. Check your water before you feed and make sure the EC is below 200. Any higher and it will lock magnesium out, causing that necrosis effect...
  5. N

    Bronzed Leaves, Excessive Drooping

    I'll flush it out with some lower pH water and take another look at it in the morning.
  6. N

    Bronzed Leaves, Excessive Drooping

    We're about two weeks into flowering and the girls were doing just fine until a few days ago. Leaves are beginning to droop a bit more drastically than I'm used to seeing and the interveinal areas are getting a bronzed over look. It starts in splotches from the inside of the leaf moving...
  7. N

    Misting during Flowering

    Thanks for the advice. Can I buy neem oil in most nurseries/hydro shops or is it a specialty item?
  8. N

    Misting during Flowering

    Did a quick search and didn't see a topic on this. I heard from an (inexperienced) friend that misting my girls while they are flowering was bad. During their clone/veg cycles I was doing frequent mists to keep the bugs off and now I'm worried about spider mites if I can't mist during the...