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    should i harvest?

    n whats thats suppose to mean?.......who said they are an expert? it was just one lil plant that i was trying to cut at the right time!...who cares what soil it was grown long as its smoking thats what matters....i wasent trying to grow a pound
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    should i harvest?

    miracle grow organic chemicals///chopped her on friday...there too much conflicting info on the net....some say cut when all cloudy....some say when 5% amber.....some say 25% amber some say 50% amber and i read one that say let over ripe n get to all amber!.....i just hope i didnt...
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    should i harvest?

    i like that narcotic high / stoned but not sleepy... what kind of high doo u think those crystals are showing? head..body or both?
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    should i harvest?

    soon like when? dont need to flush grow her in miracle grow organic soil fed her water 95% of the time
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    should i harvest?

    i have this little plant i grew over the end of summer here s pic of the tricomes should i harvest?
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    i need help lowering soil ph!

    CAN I USE Liquid Lightning Buffered Sulfuric Acid Drain Cleaner TO LOWER MY SOIL PH? my soil ph is between 7.3-8 and im having deficiencies!
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    Nutrients for soil grows

    [anyone know how much powered lime stone to add to a gallon of potting having acid soil problems..
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    i dont want 2 name the company because i need a non bias answer
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    What is more important? Where the L.E.D is actually made or where the driver is made? im asking this question because im looking at a led light and the company says that the LED is made in the usa....but all the other components ( drivers, heat sinks etc...) are made in china!... and assembled...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    so what u have to say about the other people who owned this light and have been successful with it without it burning out?......dont u know that nothing will be 100% ....ITS PART OF MANUFACTURING.....IT DONT MATTER what company u choose really they will always be at least one defective...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    gimme some $$$ n i wont go cheap other wise i have to stay in my budget which is $500....n no i dont want any hot hps/mh....i seen a few videos where people were successful with mars11 leds i just wanted to know if they were your only choice which ones u think would be better of the bunch!
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    i need help chooseing which is better! looking at LED grow lights from Mars so can any of u EXPERTS in Led Growing help me? i will be growing in a 4x4 wooden box /tent.....should i go with 2 of the 96x3w reflector led or (1) 192x3w reflector....or (1) of the marsII...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    how do i follow a grow? or how can i see one of your led grow journals?....i been a member of this site for over a year but i wasen't really visiting a lot just these last few days trying to get advice from people who been in the growing game for a long time
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    yes i visited their site..i will think really realy hard about it i have until friday to make my decision and purchase a few lights all i have is$1000 and if i buy the wrong inferior light i will be taking a big loss
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    good question!
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    i had neem oil before when i used to do my inside/outside didnt stop the thrips and i still had a great yield...but now that i want to be permanently inside i have to get rid of them and i notice some little flies looking like fruit flies( i did some research n i guess they are"white"...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    DO U OWN THIS LIGHT?....IM NOT KNOCKING U BUT I NEED EVIDENCE MAYBE U CAN put a link up with a video showing this light going from seed to bud with a decent yield
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    man...u know how to let me even though they are only 2weeks only from seed they will still be poisnous 4months from now fully flowered? wat a bummer...bag seed isnt an option i like the exotic taste and the around here a bag of some good bag weed (reg, mid...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    i dont want to even think of having to kill my ladies...cause then i'l have to order seeds and thats more $
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    wow...thanks for the relief im a lil hopeful now...they are not in flowering mode they are only 2weeks old today from seed i have em under a t8 2lamp4ft about 70 watts just to germinate n start em i need a couple of led lights(i like that they are cool and not detectable) to fit my4x4...