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  1. ErroneousRex

    GhostChaceKilla's first stealth grow

    How did it all turn out for you? I really dig your setup. Gonna make something similar real soon.
  2. ErroneousRex

    Hey dudes check out my balcony grow!

    dang dude. hope you get them some more light soon! Did they start to show sex from being outside in the short days so long?
  3. ErroneousRex

    NEW Stealth dresser grow!

    Looks great dude! Don't let anyone get you down, there are plenty of people that would be so lucky to have that in their room. Crossin my fingers that your first is a lady!
  4. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    Lookin good. Any idea of the genetics? Looks to me like a sativa dominant hybrid judging from the short little guy that you just booted and those long skinny finger leaves. Oh and I was also curious to know how much space you have inside there?
  5. ErroneousRex

    bubbleponics autoflowering grow

    Dang dude! I would love to see some pics if you took em!
  6. ErroneousRex

    Stealth PC case grow questions

    Well j, your questions require a little more information in order to answer correctly, but I'll take a shot at what i can. First off, its not all that hard to id a male before he ruins your while crop. The problem is with a limited space you will want to dedicate as much space as possible to...
  7. ErroneousRex

    First Time Grow Plan

    make sure you post some pics when you get it up and going!
  8. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    haha you do the heavy lifting and I'll do the thinking ;)
  9. ErroneousRex

    SPEAKER GROW!! NEW! 3 x 32w CFL !!

    They don't need light until the get their first set of true leaves, but better safe than sorry.
  10. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    your right she does look happier :) well i did some figuring on your temps and your on the fringe at 30C but as long as they stay below 32C nothing detrimental should happen. also, try taking your temp readings in a shaded spot to get the ambient temp and not surface temps. thats what your...
  11. ErroneousRex

    Hey dudes check out my balcony grow!

    Thanks Major I was just tryin to show that its rarely as simple as over-watering or anything like that. Problems are usually compound and bad advice spreads like the plague on the web but we may be getting closer. Ok so here's what I think, tap water is ok but is usually chlorinated and carries...
  12. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    Hmmm well the girls are lookin a little thirsty in your last pics but with half strength nutes almost a month in they might be hungry too. What's your feeding and watering schedule? Also about that heating problem, how many fans are you running and where are they placed? While we are at it...
  13. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    Looking good man. Sorry to hear about the male but hey they can't all be perfect. What did you get out of your first grow?
  14. ErroneousRex

    First Time Grow Plan

    there is a lot of contradicting sources out there on the use of cfls and yield. not having tested both myself I cannot say which for sure which is more efficient. however, one interesting piece of literature I have come by states that the lower the wattage of cfl, the higher the ratio of lumens...
  15. ErroneousRex

    Hey dudes check out my balcony grow!

    Ok so, from the looks of it you are using straight coco coir. Which isn't really a problem, however, sometimes if you don't mix it perlite or something similar the drainage is less than desirable. If drainage is no bueno and the pH of your water is a little high (like 7 and up) it can begin to...
  16. ErroneousRex

    N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow

    congrats on a successful grow my friend! do you have an estimate of the final haul?
  17. ErroneousRex

    Second grow - PC box + CFLs

    hows the grow comin along? pics?
  18. ErroneousRex

    First Time Grow Plan

    as long as you are pretty thorough with fixing light leaks that shouldn't be a problem at night. however, this alone will not solve the heat issues caused by your lighting choice. in an enclosed area hps lights could easily elevate the temp above and beyond 90F.
  19. ErroneousRex

    First Time Grow Plan

    ok ok this sounds good. only final thought I have is that you need more ventilation. hps and mh burn HOT so I would say you need at least one fan per light and either passive air inlets or another fan for intake.
  20. ErroneousRex

    First Time Grow Plan

    Will this box be split into to sections? One for flower and one for veg? If so, think about a light with more blue spectrum for the veg side. Like an MH or even just add a couple CFLs to the HPS. Generally you should have more light for the flowering side though. Obviously you will have two...