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  1. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Still going well. The plants are about the same just producing more nodes of white hairs. The hairs look like they are about to start fading from the white to a darker color. The shorter plant has about 5 vertical bushes to the top. That plant is about 2 feet high. The other one is way...
  2. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Doing a lot better now. We rigged a little system to keep it more straight up. The white hairs are coming in pretty well now and the plants are looking healthy.
  3. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Woke up this morning to find our larger female basically fallen over and wilting. Read up on some stuff looks to be either over watering or over heating. It was a little warmer than usual in the room even with the fans and air purifier going. Turned off the water pump for a bit to see if it's...
  4. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    I have been keeping an eye on them. After removing the huge male the plants seemed a bit sparse in leaves and nodes, but I think that is just because we were used to seeing the male. Things look better now but once plant is noticeably bigger because we started it a bit later. It differs in...
  5. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Well good news we got two females. But now that the male is gone the other two are a tad sparse looking compared to the other one. Probably just because it's got a thick stem etc.. Anyways will update later.
  6. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Still no real signs. Any indication from the pictures above?
  7. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Pretty much only the light coming through under the door. If you close yourself in it's pitch black. Should I block the bottom of the door off?
  8. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Here are two pics of the plants right now.
  9. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Yeah anything to help would be awesome. I'll try to get some pics up soon.
  10. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Maybe something is wrong but it's been 2 weeks and the sex of the plants aren't apparent. We've almost put two small bags of bloom in so far. Is that not enough?
  11. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Actually just started last night.
  12. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    You don't know how much of a relief that is. I thought the grow was a wipe.
  13. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    It's been a while since I last posted. We are in week 6 and I was wondering if I could get some input on the sex of the plants. I feel the worst is here and we got all males. Also I have noticed that the plant in the middle (we are growing 3) is over growing the other two. Should I do...
  14. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Plant isn't near that big, so i'm not sure that it would work. Thanks for the vid though I'm sure I'll need that later.
  15. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Where's the link? :-P
  16. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    So wait just cut off the top so all that's left is a stem the height of the other plants?
  17. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    The seedlings are about 5 or 6 inches. If we catered to them the taller plants would be touching the light. Any ideas if there is a better solution for all plants? I know that they are at a bit different times in the growing cycle but I'm hoping after a few days it'd be ok.
  18. H

    First Stealth Bubbleponics Grow

    Okay sorry it's been a bit since an update. We added two new seedlings to it before the other ones got too big. So now we have 4 plants growing all with 4 actual leaves. The two newer ones are a lot darker that the original two. Can you determine indigca or sativa this early on? If you look...
  19. H

    paid for elite

    Same thanks RIU.
  20. H

    paid for elite

    I'm in the same boat.