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  1. Bryant3

    When should i put my clones under 1000 watt hps sodium

    You could potentially grow (veg) with the hps as long as its not set on a 12/12 schedule. If you're looking for bigger plants, then veg until you get about half of the height you want, because once you set the timer for 12/12 you'll usually double in size by harvest. I just wait until my clones...
  2. Bryant3

    Indica or Sativa?

    Indica grows a lot faster than sativa, and usually easier to grow too. Sativa also usually has really thin leaves compared to the famous fat indica leaves. I have 3 indica plants and 1 sativa, all female, and the indica plants are taking flight like no other; everyday I see new growth and...
  3. Bryant3

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    damn man, +++rep. I read this entire log, took a long ass while but changed my whole op I was planning. I was going to go for a small sog but decided to try out what you did and clone about 15-20 clones and see what happens. Maybe even keep the moms vegging and try putting out 15 clones every...
  4. Bryant3

    Mother Plant questions

    I think I'll do what LowEnder said and just try a mixture of everything. I have 4 mothers right now and topped one of them, maybe try LST on another. Thanks for the input, I can't wait til harvest :hump: haha.
  5. Bryant3

    Mother Plant questions

    I need an experts advice, or someone with some growing under their belt. I'm looking to make my mother plant bushier so I can have a lot of clone potentials. I've looked all around the web and found things on topping/fimming/LST techniques but was looking for someone's opinion on what an...
  6. Bryant3

    My seeds were seized.......................

    I didn't mean ship them to your grow house, I was moving and shipped the seeds to my parents house before I moved out on my own. What I'm saying is just ship it to a real address with a real name, I'm sure everyone has at least one friend or relative that would let you ship to their place. Hope...
  7. Bryant3

    The Shot Glass Grow Off '09!

    I am very interested in seeing the results of this, I would join the challenge but I don't have any more seeds....blehh
  8. Bryant3

    Need better soil, need HELP

    Yeah I guess you're right, I've just been kind of paranoid about the MG soil from all the other forums saying how acidic it is. So far the plants are progressing amazingly, but I mean it's only been a week and a half. I'll probably transplant when there's a few nodes and the seedlings harden out...
  9. Bryant3

    My seeds were seized.......................

    If you put a fake name on an address people can tell if it's not real and will raise a red flag. I bought from attitude and didn't use any stealth or anything, I shipped to my old house with my real name and everything and got the package in 6 days. I mean think about it, there are so many...
  10. Bryant3

    Need better soil, need HELP

    Hey, I recently started growing for my first time, and its been about a week since my babies have sprouted. I decided to go cheap and buy Miracle Grow moisture control and I'm now thinking it was a mistake and want to switch my plants into a Fox farm/perlite mix. So my question is when is a good...