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  1. sjd24

    is there anything that can be done with a male plant

    yeah i'll just put it down to experiance and start over
  2. sjd24

    is there anything that can be done with a male plant

    Its funny you should say that theres one at the bottom of my street !!
  3. sjd24

    is there anything that can be done with a male plant

    Its were the pollen sacks have opened up they kinda look lke flowers. how do you make hash ive often wondered ??? thnx for the reply
  4. sjd24

    is there anything that can be done with a male plant

    my plant which i have spent much time and patiance over has turned out to be a male, all over it is covered in pollen sacks some of which have opened into white flower lookin things. im pretty pissed about this is there anything usefull purpose this plant can serve ??? i.e can it be smoked ...
  5. sjd24

    Welcome New Members!

    i were wondering it might be a daft question but can you get a cannabis plant by using the hemp seeds you get from commercial bird seed?
  6. sjd24

    light help please

    alrite mate i were wondering it might be a daft question but can you get a cannabis plant by using the hemp seeds you get from commercial bird seed?
  7. sjd24

    light help please

    thanx for replying, just setting up still a lot of things i need to get first though, wondering whether i need a fan or not as i only have a few a large cabinet
  8. sjd24

    light help please

    hey everybody im new to this site and to growing i i was just wondering if its o.k to use a florescent aqua tube,the ones you get in fish tanks??? along with the normal compact florescents