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    Solarlux 600W Digital Dimmable Ballast:

    Bump... Anybody ever used these?
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    Can we please have a LED sub-forum setup as we have for CLS's?

    I think there should be an LED thread to the forums too. Everybody wants to bash them without any previous knowledge. Give growers their own forum where they can post their own results and then maybe people can start making more informed judgements. I think we're right on the cusp of LED...
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    Could you possibly put one in the top and one in the bottom? I would never put two plants to one container but if you were trying to maximize space you could throw a 5 gallon underneath, have your upside down plant growing above it, and then on top have one coming out the top again. If you can't...
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    Plants With Needs Similar Gardening

    I've heard hops are in the same family as pot. The Cannabaceae family. I don't know how similar they are in needs though. I was looking at hop rhizomes the other day and when they start growing the leaves do look a lot like a cannabis leaf. I'm interested in trying to grow some and I figured I...
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    How do you grow outdoors if year round its always 11-12 hours of sunlight?

    In my experience clones thrown outdoors under 12/12 will start flowering almost right away. Seedlings seem to take longer. I think the clone thinks its older than it really is (because its a cutting from an older mature plant) where as the seedling knows its not big enough to produce yet so it...
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    how are these plants doing

    I somehow seem to have missed all the posts of yours explaining anything about it being about environmental control. If I'm agreeing with you cool were on the same page. If not whatever to each his own. As to you guys having a disagreement in another thread it doesn't matter. Using civil...
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    how are these plants doing

    Just because a plant is receiving 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 lumens doesn’t mean a plant can use all of them. The plant can only use what it can absorb and breakdown. To break down the light the plant needs Co2. The average atmospheric Co2 ppm is in the high 300’s. Wikipedia...
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    none of it makes sense/ just let it happen

    and i just realized this post is 3 years old....
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    none of it makes sense/ just let it happen

    Leaf count doesn't tell strain at all... Unless you are 100% sure you switched them on accident I wouldn't count on that as a deciding factor of what's wrong/different. The healthier the plant the more fans per leaf. Thats what I've been taught at least. I've seen an 11 fanned leaf in my...
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    Planting right now? To late?

    I wouldn't take any information from a website that recommends you to do this. "Take a quantity of grass and dampen it, place in a baggie or another socially acceptable container, and store it in a dark, dampish place for a couple of weeks (burying it also seems to work). The grass will...