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  1. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Sorry Integra, I'm really burnt out on these guys following me to harass me. This is the third site they have enrolled in just because I was on it. (look at the record) I do admit I came off very intense on their site (opengrow), only because I thought they knew who I was because we have...
  2. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    I have complimented and tried to help Whazzup and Sannie on many different occasions and it only blew up in my face. I would not doubt your connected with them just like all the people they've had harass me in the past. If you look carefully I wasn't calling Whazzup anything. I said it to...
  3. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    You act like you speak for the whole community when I've posted here more than you. Wanker; You probably aren't even getting ANY let alone getting sick of someone beautiful.
  4. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    @ Whazzup; I have a huge question for you and I wonder why no one else on this thread has caught it yet... You have just proven that there is very little IR heat coming from the emitter in the LEP system (the driver puts out more heat). So why do you HAVE to pull the light so far away (50- 60cm)...
  5. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    You're right, I apologize for my part in the passion, but man this light is awesome. My only desire here is to send the message what is going to happen in the near future. Plasma is gonna light this world soon and I got to be the first person to use this new technology for the cause. It's...
  6. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Did you make design changes for the production model? Hope everything goes great. I do wish you would give some hard data about temp and relative humidity. I guess that's so I can make my point but you obviously don't want to support my findings. (I can't blame after our 'discussion') To the...
  7. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Oh yeah, heat uniformity is one of the main advantages of my plant turntables. It's like cooking on a spit (rotisserie) keeps everything at a uniform temp giving the side that was just right next to the light source some time to absorb the energy.
  8. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    I would really be interested what the relative humidity is 12 inches from the reflector...or even at the canopy level you have it at (50cm?). When you see the stamen dry and wilt that tells you the light is drying out the air next to it. But if you isolate the ultra small heat source from the...
  9. P

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Hi Whazzup; So that's it? It's like you cut a 5 inch hole in the back of a stock reflector case and mounted everything on it. I'll bet you get all the heat you want now. Those red LED's would be way more efficient closer to the canopy.
  10. P

    What Is the Average? (Grams Per Watt)

    Again, no one is listening, If you get 400 gms in two months from a 400 watt light, that is only .5 gms per watt per month. I have achieved 1.2 gms per watt per month off one 400 watt water cooled HPS vertically hung without reflector inside the cannopy of 4 plants rotating on turntables. I've...
  11. P

    What Is the Average? (Grams Per Watt)

    You'll do much better with Humboldt Nutrients 2 part Amino Acid Chelated nutrients. Cutting edge.
  12. P

    What Is the Average? (Grams Per Watt)

    Sorry I didn't see that you said air cooled, in several other threads I totaly defend air cooling.
  13. P

    Anyone used Short day cycles 6/12 ??

    Also, running a plant 24/7 IS harmful, causing what I call Schysophrinia to mothers kept that way for months.
  14. P

    Anyone used Short day cycles 6/12 ??

    Woa, take a chill everyone. If people would take the time to read what I said... These are the facts. I've been doing short cycle growing since it was invented in the eighties. Fact; yes you do save money on electricity... Fact; the 6hr days and 12 hr nights do force the plants mature much...
  15. P

    Tools of the trade!

    P.S. before using the plasma, for the last three years we where using liquid cooled HPS in the same environment getting between 1 and 1.1 gm/watt avg. (1.2 one freaky harvest) but to nail 1.2 on the first attempt. This is so cool. It's like I was destined to find Light Emitting Plasma for the...
  16. P

    Tools of the trade!

    Bob, consider this...before I found the Brix meter I would harvest between .5 and .6 gms per month per watt of light and I thought I was bad ass. All my friends thought I was the man and followed my leads. First into hydro, then Aero, then I discovered the Refractometer. By doing extensive tests...
  17. P

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    According to friends at Humboldt nutrients, the main need for the carbs (molases) are for food for the mycorrhizal/ bacterium to ferment. If growing in Coco the environment is much more conducive to perpetuation of these beneficials. In Hydro I use a container with lid, with several 1/8th inch...
  18. P

    Tools of the trade!

    High Bob, Here's a practical application and I'll let your mind figure out the rest. Ok, say you are using a new type of substrata or want to maximize your present system and you want to know the ideal pH level for the specific plant you are growing. If you adjust the pH by one tenth of a...
  19. P

    Tools of the trade!

    Here's the one I have;
  20. P

    Tools of the trade!

    That's a real nice one, they are just as effecient in the $100 price range. I do recommend getting a nice one. A hand held microscope is also a great investment. Then you can see if the stomata are eating their little globs of CO2. If they are close mouthed (that's what stoma means) they are...