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  1. Team7040

    Check this out!!! First grow room!

    I am using "Sta Green potting mix" for my soil. i was recommended to use that. Also you add a good point about making a new grow area. Once my plant gets bigger ill definitely need to get a larger space for it. the PVC idea sounds great!
  2. Team7040

    Check this out!!! First grow room!

    well its technically a 26 watt but the package for the bulb says its equal to 100 watts. but your right, i do need more light... and i lowered my lamp like 6 inches down for more focused light.
  3. Team7040

    Check this out!!! First grow room!

    So this is my first grow attempt. I was just wondering if my setup looks legit at all. Right now i am using one GE energy smart 100W CFL bulb which gives off 1750 lumens. The plant is an unknown strain unfortunately; i got the seeds from a friend. I also have a fan blowing on the plant/ light...
  4. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    I realized i can drill two holes in the room, and put two inline booster fans. One for ventilation and one for exhaust. I would need to buy some air ducts and clamps also.
  5. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    IF i just drilled a hole through my wall and put a inline booster fan, do you think that would be enough ventilation for the plants?
  6. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    My growing compartment isn't in an attic, but it is on the top floor. My setup is basically 2 small compartments that were built into the walls when the house was built. Boolean, what sort of ventilation/exhaust setup did you have in mind? I was just planning on having a fan in the compartment...
  7. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    There will be small fans to regulate temperature. Also i was thinking of drilling a hole in each compartment for ventilation. But, regarding the 250 watt maximum i will have... do you think that is not going to be enough light to grow some decent plants?
  8. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    Thanks for all the responses guys! There is actually two small compartments in which i am going to be growing. However the ceiling of these compartments are slanted. so, at its highest point, it is about 4 feet, and at its lowest, it is 1 1/2 feet. And i believe it is about 1 1/2 feet wide...
  9. Team7040

    12 plants. how many watts?

    Hey everyone. As you might be able to tell, i am new to all of this. But i was wondering how many watts i need to have 12 healthy growing plants. Space may be a bit tight in my growing room however. Thanks!
  10. Team7040

    CO2 for my plants.

    Haha, i agree that turning off my fans for two hours may be bad idea. I guess i could drill a few holes in the room for circulation.
  11. Team7040

    CO2 for my plants.

    That sounds pretty good. So once i shake up the bottle and let it settle, all i do is open and the co2 rushes out and lasts for a while?
  12. Team7040

    can i change lights to 24/0?

    I hear for the vegetative stage its usually 24/0 and for the flowering stage ts 12/12.
  13. Team7040

    CO2 for my plants.

    I was curious if just breathing among the grow room on a daily basis is enough carbon dioxide for my plants. My grow room will basically be a small closet that will be sealed shut most of the day. However, i understand plants need a certain amount of co2 to live, but i think it may be a little...
  14. Team7040

    Pre-growing questions

    Yeah, that is sort of what i was thinking. I hear bugs are a pretty big issue. But anyway, we are going to have a good amount of light. Probably using florescent.
  15. Team7040

    Pre-growing questions

    Hey everybody! I just want to start off by saying that this will be my first venture into the growing process, but i am eager to learn and try it out. A few weeks ago my friend started to germinate and grow 12 seeds. After germination, he then placed the seeds into 12 separate pots. Each plant...