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  1. kennethcrack

    My New grow look and post!

    This is how they look its a home box L what dose the leaf curling mean?
  2. kennethcrack

    first grow journal. WW

    Naw man its wack to take clones after flowering a plant REASON being is because your telling the plant its time to flower taking cuttings and putting them back on a 18/6 will freak them the fuck out ( you would be freaked out too if you wint from the first day of autem (12/12) right back in to...
  3. kennethcrack

    My New grow look and post!

    Ok well if you wanna see what i have been working on check the super strain thread, heres the run down 400 watt HPS enclosed ballast new grow box L ( shit is this thing big) full line of fox farm nutrients Organic miracle grow ( i flushed the soil for about 5 days to prevent any build up)...
  4. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    just to clear up about the strain, this was an all feminized variety pack that has been breaded together for about 3 generation. the breeding was made possible though some early mistakes that made for a few herms but 2 generations later i have achieved a stable super strain
  5. kennethcrack

    My first closet grow

    hey i was wondering what size your home box is im thinking about getting a S and running a 400 watt light in it i was wondering if you were also having any heat issues?
  6. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    i had to move them into a larger space here is how they look now
  7. kennethcrack

    how am i doing so far?

    good work man just wait till those fuckers really take off
  8. kennethcrack

    Ready to flower?

    yeah man next time i would say don't let the hight of your plant determine weather or not you flower it or not, i would say the best way to tell is those white hairs this means the plant is sexed and ready to be switched over to 12/12
  9. kennethcrack

    plant ok??

    dude if you are super worried about ph. don't be you are growing in soil there is enough of a buffer between the root and the water for the plant not to be seriously affected. As for the cfls i would suggest something in the blue spectrum i believe a cool CFL but i am not 100% sure and over all...
  10. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    Yeah man i know im purchasing a Homebox S because of this it will be tall enough for my 400 watt sun system enclosed ballast but the question i have is will it be cool enough? also will it make a difference in the heat if the ballast is enclosed. only time will tell ps. is this too close for my...
  11. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    actually i think the reason for the yellowing leaves is because of the fact that the plants were stressed during a transplant, but yeah they could also use some light but i mean those bottom leaves don't really matter all that much because they will be trimmed off when i flower them but your...
  12. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    well the plant that is in its own pot has shot up way closer to the light than it should be so i kinda had to cluster fuck it in to a corner till i can get it FIMED properly I should be getting a home box sooner or later. i know it is not the best situation but this is really all the room i have...
  13. kennethcrack

    Super Strain NEW NEW Grow

    well guys this is my new set up its smaller than the last but hopefully it yeids a good amount right now i have a seedling stage set up that is seprated from the veg stage both are running CFLs more up dates soonis
  14. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    So a few month down the road here is how everything looks my only issue is heat i cant seem to get it below the upper 70ds most of the time knarrr kracker
  15. kennethcrack

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    hey man that hps must get hot how do you keep a small area like that so cool im working with a closet right now and i could use some advise
  16. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    Well i have good news all the plants in my veg chamber turned out to be female now they are on their way i will have some better pictures tomorrow Also i will be going off the the hydro shop this week and should be getting some more nutrients, i have a few quick questions With the flushing...
  17. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    good news every one one of my veg plants turned female i will trance plant her in the morning
  18. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    1) Are you buying feminized seeds? yes I am this is my first run with the ones i bought off the internet i was so sick of having plants that grew hermie i decided to get them off of the internet 2) Is the indoor mix a random mix of different strains? yes it is and i do tend use the...
  19. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    Well this artical is about the 4 Indoor mix seed packet i got from i recently put the rock wool cubes into my veg chamber to give them a high temperature
  20. kennethcrack

    A Growing Confidence

    This is my flowering chamber it contains for the moment a hemie and a female who was stunted by a hydro fuck up she is about 7 weeks along and has been under 12/12 for about 2 days now