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    LED newbie here... Need help

    I'm looking at changing from HPS to LED's but I don't want to spend a fortune on them straight away so I'm wondering what is out there at a decent price just to see if it's worth the switch. Any help would be much appreciated. Tent will be 2x2x2 Happy growing

    Dwc auto

    Thanks mate, I have done dwc a few times just never used autos before so it's a first ha hopefully all goes well. Thanks for the info

    Dwc auto

    Yeah I thought as much, thanks for the info buddy. I'm going to be running droppers on them for now until the roots hit the water line so I'll do as you suggested

    Dwc auto

    Just about to start my first autoflower blue cheese in dwc and was wondering if I should feed from day one or just run with Ph'd water for the first week? I've done some grows in dwc before but they weren't autos and it was years ago. Any information would be greatly appreciated

    plant problems

    hey riu Ive noticed that the bigger one of the two is starting to look very ill, shes only drinking half what she normally would and her leaves are looking very yellow at the bottom and its working its way up the plant. I'm 7wks into flower and using canna flores and boost. heres the pics pls...

    HELP Diagnose Plant Problem PLEASE!!!!

    First of all, Thanks for taking the time to have a look RIU :lol: Hopefully someone can help diagnose the problem! I'm hoping its "normal" or easily sorted anyway, it would set my mind at ease 100% Anyway my problem is only on one of my girls, The only way i can describe it is... the...

    New to DWC.... General N00by questions.

    OH SHIT....... Ha Ha!! You got it wrong again....... it's K N O B!! I'm telling mum to cancel them extra spelling classes!!

    canna pk13/14?

    cheers arcaned

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    so your suggesting i cut my base nutes to half for the rest of flower

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    ok cheers silky thinking of cutting down and starting over, smaller plants and c what buds i get

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    do you think they will fatten? before harvest i mean coz they look small to me "big bud" my ass haha thought id done this strain before but realised i did it as a soil grow but they where like coke cans then. ignore me im just stressing haha oh ye forgot to mention these 2 are reaching 6'...

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    fair do's pal thats a big leap in few days id be well happy with that, heres some pics of mine at mo and if you dont mind having a look not sure mine are that ready after all haha

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    i take it these big bud will fill out alot in the weeks coming coz they look small at the moment iv used the pk now and i think its the right time as my buds starting to creep up the stem and branches to merge thats right isnt it??

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    cheers for the swift reply, I did hold back on the base nutes only given them 2ml a and 2ml b rather than 3ml but i didnt on the boost giving it the usual 4ml. hopefully this wont burn them! do you think the pk + boost is worth doing? my buds are getting there but nowhere near what i thought...

    Canna Boost + Canna pk 13/14 question...need info!!

    hey RIU, so i just read that pk13/14 should be given at low dosage from early in flower and gradually build it up to full strength after few weeks, is this a good idea? iv read also that if i give my babies the full dosage straight away it will burn them, if thats true why does it say that on...

    canna pk13/14?

    so i should only use the stuff once at 1ml per ltr rather than 15ml per 10ltr?

    canna pk13/14?

    haha i know the feeling pal, mine arnt looking like coke cans yet either but seems to be going ok at mo just want the bud to explod and get massive like it should. ill put some pics up on my thread later

    Looking for DWC nutrient suggestion

    what about CYCO platinum series

    canna pk13/14?

    5wk to go on my big bud