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  1. whipcreamdemon

    My Garden of Eden, wonder woman, sour disiel n other goodies

    Okay here are my plants and pics cn u tell if any are male? this is my second grow but i got feminized and regular seeds both going at the same time n while i can definatley tell about the feminized ones i have no clue on the others....its 5 days into 12/12....after 10 weeks of 24 hrs of light....
  2. whipcreamdemon

    Wonder women not that Wonderful

    I ordered 5 feminized Wonder Woman seeds for about $40...Got them two weeks later with a few freebies...I got them from Nirvana well I germinated for 5 days all 5 seeds only 1 took the rest have turned black...I don't understand...I had some other seeds that I also germinated afterwards due to...
  3. whipcreamdemon

    male or female whats going on?

    Okay so this plant see pic has been on 12/12 lighting since nov 9 I think its beginning to grow seeds is this a hermy and if so should i just kill it cause i still got 2 femailes? How much longer until it would be ready for hearvest if I keep him or it. Thank You.
  4. whipcreamdemon

    Gnats, Nuts and Dying Leaves

    Okay I am 10 days into flowering. So far 2 dayz into flowering Gnats appeared, but they were only 3 or 4 and have since then been murdered. I am going to top the pots with 1/2 of sand incase it turns Out to be fungus gnats. I have been gnat free for 3 days. Does having a few gnats always lead to...
  5. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    here are the rest of the pics I hope in a week Ill know if I got gurls for boyz...
  6. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    PIc 1. shot of mary, jane, and jizzR 2. mary side shot 3. jane side shot 4. jizzR side shot 5. mary top shot 6. jane top shot 7. jizzR top shot 8. pic of dankness (DK) and serendipity aka sara 9. side shot sara 10. side shot of DK 11. top shot sara 12. top shot DK
  7. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    Okay this is day 1 into flowering after first getting 36 hrs of darkness. I also discovered a few gnats I think are from flys though so I am not worried about that yet. Pic 1 My MJ plants that better not be growing nuts. 2 Tomato plants growing with the MJ so it wouldn't be so lonely. 3. My...
  8. whipcreamdemon

    Lighting question. Help?

    yes it says it comes with a ready to use plug for house....
  9. whipcreamdemon

    Lighting question. Help?

    yes it states it comes with a preset ready to use for house plug in
  10. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    Well I went out for just grow bags and ended up with six tomato plants too. So I finally got around to transplanting all plants into 4-5 gallon containers or bags. I got tomato plants going to..... two of my plants are 2 weeks old and the other 4 are 4 and half weeks along... oh I added a 400...
  11. whipcreamdemon

    Yellow, brown spots on older leaves, seems to be spreading to newer leaves

    I had the same problems with my two of mine I am growing I am using miralce grow moisture control and mine are about 3 weeks old to 2 of my 4 plants got brown spots but since I transplanted them into a larger pot (I had mine in party size cups to start out) the brown spots quit appearing...
  12. whipcreamdemon

    Hi I came acroos one of your post and looked up that person on ebay your gonna by from and want...

    Hi I came acroos one of your post and looked up that person on ebay your gonna by from and want to get this I have a closet 4 ft wide 2 ft...
  13. whipcreamdemon

    which set of lights would be best? 42 w full daylight or 85 w cfl grow

    express light bulbs has 42 watt full spectrum 5000k for 9.99 but they have 85 watt cfl grow bulbs for 9.99 also. Could i use a y light adapter for the 85 watt ones and is there really a difference in which one I choose. By the way this will be for vegging. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    Okay here goes I left today noon and came home at 10 pm and one of my plants all pics 6,8 and 10. had brown spots so I decided to transplant it now the rest are still good. The roots on the one I did transplant were all gathered in a circle around the bottom of the cup. Is this normal? Also I...
  15. whipcreamdemon

    Doing 2C-E this weekend. Any suggestions on what to do?

    I would reccommend laser lights, glow sticks, mdma, whip its, and sledding... if not sleding all the above with an outdoor activity where you won't get arrested. All that with some friends will make for a memorable time.
  16. whipcreamdemon

    Whats your favorite Drug combination??

    I love nitrous with any thing itz the best thing ever. I got a 20 lb tank of nitrous. My fav combo is 2 Hits LSD or 30 mg of 2ce with 2 MDMA pills and an unlimited supply of balloons. And buds to smoke always. I also liked acid, ketamine, tequilla and nitrouis that was fun. Dmt is not...
  17. whipcreamdemon

    Closet CFL grow Round 1

    This is my first grow. Here are a few pictures. The first is of my new seedlings. The second picture is of my already 18 day old plant. And the third is of my gaurd cat making sure my crop don't get HI JACKED. I currently am using one 4 foot long cfl with two 40 Watt bulbs. I am also running two...
  18. whipcreamdemon


    K i have done the private boards and they are SCAMS. I have been a AVID user of UD since b4 the ed and it got changed over majority of UD is real and not SCAMS. My monkey has ordered and gotten very good supplements aT 1/3 of costs of so called private boards...its not a scam.....