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  1. V

    I fuc**ng hate this laptop

    Get Google Chrome for a browser. Here is proof its faster then all other major browsers right now.:hump:
  2. V

    Tokin outside vs inside

    Smoking around a fire is definitely awesome. I like smoking outside during the winter though, the cold air helps sooth my lungs after toking.
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    Xbox Live Stoners

    Validus1818 good idea.:eyesmoke:
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    What's up Rollitup? Can someone awnser a quick question for me?

    and no i don't make them i just bought this yesterday
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    What's up Rollitup? Can someone awnser a quick question for me?

    i do like snakes but its cause the orange line looks like a coral snake in water
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    What's up Rollitup? Can someone awnser a quick question for me?

    Kenny? hm.. don't really see it thanks though! Some names i was thinking about where Water Snake Scarlet Kingsnake
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    What's up Rollitup? Can someone awnser a quick question for me?

    Hey guys, friend showed me this site, thought it looked like a cool place to talk and get answers for any questions i had. I wanted to know where would be the best place to post a picture of my new bowl for name suggestions, help?