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  1. rantus

    Pine Berry medical outdoor grow

    Sure, I have lots of pics
  2. rantus

    Pine Berry medical outdoor grow

    Thanks Hic, it sure is frosty, the buds just shine
  3. rantus

    Pine Berry medical outdoor grow

    My wife and I crossed a blue berry with a plant that smelled strongly of pine. This one put out huge colas that smelled of pine but with a sweet berry scent... Our first time cross pollinating turned out very well... Excited waiting to harvest. This years grow includes Strawberry cough, Blue...
  4. rantus

    The Pinesol Lady

    Ok we have a plant, its #1 of our 10 for medicinal grow. We got the seeds from a local grower and chose, Pineapple Trainwreck, Blueberry Kush and Northern lights. We seem to have gotten an errant seed. He only has top quality seed but we can identify easily the other 9 but I swear to god... #1...
  5. rantus

    First grow end of 8th week flowering

    Thanks... Its blueberry Kush and smells so sweet. We gave its last shot of nutes and will start flushing....
  6. rantus

    First grow end of 8th week flowering

    Our first medicinal grow... Well this is the end of week 8 of flowering. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Enjoy the pictures
  7. rantus

    Good morning, a visitor (pics)

    It seems my wife caught him and threw him in the green house. I walked in and he was staring down at me so I took some pics... I have about a half a dozen great pics of him. Thanks for the replies and + reps to ya both
  8. rantus

    Good morning, a visitor (pics)

    He may have to go
  9. rantus

    Good morning, a visitor (pics)

    Holy shit, we have a visitor in the green house. We have a stoner praying mantis watching over the girls... He seems to like what we call the pinesol lady. He doesnt look like he is causing any harm and when he walks on the plant he is very careful. Hope you enjoy the pics
  10. rantus


    We have a plant that smells like pine. We were suppose to only have blueberry, pineapple trainwreck, and northern lights x bubbleberry hash. The local med grower gave us our seeds for free so really cant complain. Just would like to know what strains are that smell like pine
  11. rantus

    First Time Greenhouse Growing Blueberry

    Thos is our first time growing blueberry kush. It looks pretty healthy. Any suggestions? Its in a greenhouse and has been flowering for about 8 weeks. If anyone has grown this strain before, comments or suggestions would be most appreciated. Yeild? Recommended to us for medicinal use. We are in...
  12. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    How did it adversly effect potency in your instance? Or was it in taste? Thanks for all the help
  13. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    So I guess we should wait a week or two huh?
  14. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    Well that made us curious so we pulled an ovule to see if there was a seed inside and found nothing but sticky resin that tasted like fruit
  15. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    I dont think they have been pollinated as we have no males and no hermies. We have carefully checked each plant and no male pollen balls at all
  16. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    a closeup of it
  17. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    Here is the cola we are talking about
  18. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    We read the thread you suggested luda. We have a magnifying glass but no Microscope. Our camera takes great pictures and you can see the trichs easily in the pictures
  19. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    I could post a picture to give you an idea where we are at. Would that be helpful?
  20. rantus

    Should we or shoudnt we

    but its not purple yet... just sort of amber... some of it is starting to turn a light lavender near the the base of each sugar leaf. The Mrs said it came from purple buds and the grower said it was Blueberry Kush. She found 4 seeds and was ecstatic. All 4 came up. We had to tie some of the...