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  1. C

    Thinking about going bubbleponics? This should convince you...

    By Joe I think he's got it! Stole your pic Roseman! :fire: -CB. Just realized it didn't post properly. Dammit! Foiled again!
  2. C

    Thinking about going bubbleponics? This should convince you...

    Illegal Smile is seriously negative and ignorant. So what if the bubbleponics system is only a slight variation of regular DWC. The point is that slight variation works well and no one else thought to try it. You don't have to reinvent the wheel to make it better. If you think Bubbleponics isn't...
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    The Hempy Collective

    Hey bro, I also had bad luck planting in strait pearlite. I went out and bought some Rapid Rooter plugs and seedlings popped up in about two days or so. For some reason pearlite isn't that friendly for a lot of people when it comes to sprouting germinated seeds. I'm sure some people have good...
  4. C

    nute burn / def, or what the ***??

    Then maybe you were right all along, too much nutes. Either way I wish you success. -CB>
  5. C

    nute burn / def, or what the ***??

    Good luck. Advice isn't any good if you don't take it. -CB.
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    nute burn / def, or what the ***??

    You have to remember that if the grow is 85 the canopy is a lot hotter. It might be 85 ambient but it could be in the mid to high nineties at top. Still though your plants are short so canopy temps really aren't important at this stage in their growth. I'd add the salts like Sure Shot said and...
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    nute burn / def, or what the ***??

    Sure Shot, What PH do you think his water should be at? Will the salts provide some Mg and other micros? =CB.
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    nute burn / def, or what the ***??

    That light is way too close even for a cool tube IMHO. back it off some and try and take your temps down to something like 78 degrees or better. See if they get better after that and if they don't then add some weak nutes. What's the PH of your water? -CB.
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    The Hempy Collective

    I've been (Am there myself to a certain degree) there before so I know how it feels. I'll check out your thread and see if I can offer up anything useful. -CB.
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    The Hempy Collective

    Hey brother, First off, take a deep breathe and relax. If you don't get it right this time you'll get it right the next time. Are the pictures all of the same plant are all of your plants looking like this? Are you measuring your temps and humidity? Do you have any Superthrive? What's the Ph of...
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    The Hempy Collective

    The look pretty sweet so far. Guys, I just started some cracked seeds in mini Hempy buckets. It's been a few days and I expected them to break through the surface by now. Should I just chill out and be a bit more patient or is something wrong? I'm using the traditional mix (75% pearlite and...
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    The Hempy Collective

    Doing Hempy, bought the wrong nutes for vegging, well, they're not bad or anything I just accidentally bought non-hydro nutes. Anyway, I bought FoxFarm Grow Big instant~concentrate instead of the Hydro FoxFarm nutes (Blue Bottle instead of the green bottle I have right now). It contains trace...