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  1. shawshank

    Flushing ??

    i take it from a lack of responses that no one knows for sure?
  2. shawshank

    Nirvana seeds, what should I get? PLEASE HELP

    I am harvesting my first ice plant tonight. What i can tell you is this. There is so much weight i have had 2 branches simply break off. There has been little smell, i've been smoken the buds from the fallen branches, granted these branches fell 3 weeks ago. So these premi-buds are nice its a...
  3. shawshank

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    First off the grow looks great, and that video was amazing, i loved it. But as i sit here reading and smoking, it struck me that people who live in cali, may have it nice right now, but i've heard Denver is just as cool with the weed, and on top of the i heard there weed was better, cali seams...
  4. shawshank

    Flushing ??

    How important is flushing if one does not use any chemicals at all. Simply FFOF tap water and a little molasas. I've been growing for over a year, only bag seed, but i recently ordered some ICE seeds from nirvana, and it is now harvest time. I've included a few pics as well
  5. shawshank

    Cold Nights make purple buds?

    I have read recently that dropping the night time temp by 25+ degrees will make the buds turn purple. Not sure if this is true will all strains, but i'm growing nirvana's ICE strain and heard this is one that will change. Just looking to see if this is true. I have convinced my wife to let me...
  6. shawshank

    WTF is that 'worlds strongest strains' thread so popular?

    that is great, i cant wait till i live in a medical state. Thats the only reason i'm going to college. HA thats funny shit. But i've recently started a grow, ICE from nirvana. I just wanted to stop in and say HIGH.
  7. shawshank

    Quick question about purps +REP

    i have heard that most strains will show a little purp, or blue, if the night time temps drop 25 degrees lower than the daytime temp. Its a stresser on the plant, but i've been thinking of doing it to my ICE strain. MMMMMMMMM purple ice.
  8. shawshank

    Strain question

    new report, the first 2 ice seeds were duds. But the second 2 are freaks of nature, under 24 hours they germed almost an inchlong, less than 24 hours in dirt and they have sprouted out. Now less than a week in and they are working on there third set of leaves. NUTS
  9. shawshank

    Strain question

    thanks, but ya roughly 600 +/-. i live in the midwest, no medical around. and every time i hear of some blueberry, or NL, its always just some decant home grown. But not true dank ya know. I am planing on letting it go for 10 weeks into flower, i like couchlock, and i do an alternating dry cure...
  10. shawshank

    Strain question

    ya, i was told it should go for 600 an oz, if i decided to sell. They will be my children, and i do not know if 600 bucks is worth some of my child. So is it good smoke, i have high expectations, but nothing to base it on.
  11. shawshank

    Strain question

    no one. That is not a good sign.
  12. shawshank

    Strain question

    hello every one, well like most people i assume, i've had a couple good harvest off of bagseed. I simply was tired of spending 3-4 months to get avrage swag, sorry not much else around. So i ordered my seeds from nirvana. they arived a couple days a go, the are germinating now, and will go into...
  13. shawshank

    250 w HPS question

    you guys are great thanks, i have one more question. I was harvestin roughly an oz a plant, using my cfl's start to finish, what kind of diffrence could i see. i am currently waiting on my ICE seeds from nirvana, all other harvest have been bag seed.
  14. shawshank

    250 w HPS question

    cool, thanks for the info. i was wondering if the stretching at change over is going to blow up, as my space is limited?
  15. shawshank

    250 w HPS question

    oh, and by the way has any one used nirvana? i'm on day 11 still waiting.......
  16. shawshank

    250 w HPS question

    i recently upgraded to a 250 w hps from cfl's. I was wondering about vegging under hps?
  17. shawshank

    Just a few questions

    thxs for the advice. You guys are great, i should be posting pics of my first harvest sometime soon
  18. shawshank

    Just a few questions

    I have a harvest question, should i cut each branch off and hang it, or should i cut the main stalk and hand the whole plant? I believe that about half of the trichs are amber in color, but not all of the "hairs" have turned red yet, is this a problem, should i wait for the hairs to change ?
  19. shawshank

    quick question

    not realy the helpful reply i was looking for, but thinks for our 2 cents
  20. shawshank

    quick question

    so my friends plant has an issue, the entire main stalk and larger branches are dark red, and growth seems to have stoped completly, plant is about 5 weeks in to flower, any help would help THX bongsmilie