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  1. djova

    Do you let the Mormons in when they stop by?

    A couple stopped by my house a week ago too. First thing they asked was "Do you need answers to questions like 'Why do we suffer?'" and tried to give me a book about it. Then after I rejected their religion they tried to sell me a book on discrimination... They usually truly believe they need...
  2. djova

    Cannabis Capsules – A step-by-step guide

    These capsules are an amazing idea! They're a much more efficient way of getting high than smoking.
  3. djova

    Tell Me Something About Shrooms

    Make tea!! I used to just straight up eat them all the time and have to suffer through the nausea. Last week I made tea with a group of friends and come up was fast with almost no nausea. Just use a cup of water for each person: First grind up the shrooms, then mix with boiling water in a cup...