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  1. SomeStickyStuff

    Help me with soil!

    using bio bizz for second time. think its good stuff, bio 'n all and i think they been around long time think plants react good but not 100% sure, need more experience with growing myself
  2. SomeStickyStuff

    First Grow EVER. (CFL)

    I'm a second time grower my first harvest was nyc diesel, was very good sh1t!! but need to learn a bit more to get the weight up i guess
  3. SomeStickyStuff

    Ceres Seeds?

    Just finally started white smurf from them looks good 12 of 15 seeds sprang still small, still in little cups
  4. SomeStickyStuff

    canadian hempco

    O, yeah, ...and I think it sucks
  5. SomeStickyStuff

    canadian hempco

    I just got on to say I agree, I think Canadian Hempco and their site are a scam too. Those breeders they flash on their site? They do NOT sell through them. I know 'cause I asked some Dutch companies directly if they did after seeing them on their site and having doubts if I should/could really...