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  1. Jonathan61009

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Awesome. Thank you. Well I live in Florida so it is pretty warm most of the time. Even "Winter" Time. So i should spray in the beginning of flowering, okay Thanks!!
  2. Jonathan61009

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    yeah um what is bt and where would i be able to get i need it now...i just started to grow some plants, they're only about a week old and looking good already. I was wondering if i have to worry bud worms?
  3. Jonathan61009

    what is flowering?

    well thank you everyone...except for the asshole. By the way i am a woman. And I live in it is pretty warm all the time.
  4. Jonathan61009

    what is flowering?

    :leaf:Ok i am new to this whole growing weed thing..but i planted a few good number of seeds and i have them planted outside. What is flowering? I have no idea what the hell that is...My plants just started to grow so i have no idea what they are yet. So if my plants have "footballs" then it is...
  5. Jonathan61009

    Check my 1st Outdoor Medical Grow!

    I am growing mine outside in a window seal plant holder...will they be fine growing outside with the sunshine? I mean they are fine now, they jsut started to grow and are looking good already....