Search results

  1. mrsag3

    Lemon Skunk Epiphany

    Hey there RIU, I've got a buddy, BOB, who had a revelation a few weeks ago. A coupla weeks in to veg on his second AeroGarden grow, he happened upon a child's medication syringe which measured in ML. When he saw the amount that filled a ML he was surprised -- turns out he had been measuring...
  2. mrsag3

    Gatling Bowl

    Anybody know where to purchase a Gatling type bowl like used to be on the US Bongs? It was a cylinder, with 5 one hit bowls that you could spin. Would love to find one, but searches to local accessory shops and online produced nothing. -mrsage
  3. mrsag3

    Sun Hut XL 600W Chocolope Grow Journal

    'scribed. Have some 'lope seeds myself, just waiting on room for them. Will be following this thread closely -- thanks for sharing.
  4. mrsag3

    drying bud in a oven?????

    Anyone used Drierite, silica, or CaCL2 to speed the curing process? I've used Silica and the calcium chloride to dry, err, edible mushrooms in the past and was done quickly, with the help of a fan. Just curious how that would affect bud as mushrooms taste like shit at the best of times so I...
  5. mrsag3

    Conservatives and Ideas

    Cheers, I stated it poorly. You dont eliminate all profit friend, how many doctors are there out there that take medicare/medicaid patients as the majority of their clients and dont make an awesome living? How many of them do you suppose are only doing moderately well? How many doctors do you...
  6. mrsag3

    Manure as a medium?

    Depends on the depth of your garden, really, I've never broken it down to percentages before but it sounds about right. I think I put about 3 inches down my first year over the entire area and I generally put down another inch or so twice a year now. If you've got that much clay then...
  7. mrsag3

    Ag first grow. help is appreciated

    Looking forward to seeing your girl dude.
  8. mrsag3

    Manure as a medium?

    I would assume that composted manure would not work alone as a medium for marijuana -- the ammonia and salt levels in are still huge and would kill your plant if used alone. Use it as an additive to other composted organic matter rather than the immediate medium. My two cents, friend --...
  9. mrsag3

    Conservatives and Ideas

    The party line would be "when it's competition from the government" which of course earns you the commie label. :) Generally, I agree. The government shouldn't be a corporation, nor should it compete with the opportunity for its citizens to create and develop wealth. Health care though...
  10. mrsag3

    Conservatives and Ideas

    Yeah homeboy that's all well and good but what happens if you get in a car accident, or shot randomly, or hit by falling grow lights? W/o insurance, who eats the price of your care? My dad recently had to go to the hospital, he's an old fart, had chest pains and pain down his arm. Wasn't a...
  11. mrsag3

    Rollitup Fantasy Fooball League

    haha it's all good dude.
  12. mrsag3

    Rollitup Fantasy Fooball League

    Yo Sicc, those settings right? Is it supposed to be 5 points for every pass completion? Edit: You got 3 QBs to start on there also, with 14 teams so far, that's 42 QBs starting every week. You might can pull of 2 starting QBs but I dont see how there's going to be enough to go around, know...
  13. mrsag3

    Penalities for Growing Shrums 195.202. 1. Except as authorized by sections 195.005 to 195.425, it is unlawful for any person to possess or have under his control a controlled substance. 2. Any person who violates this section with respect to any controlled...
  14. mrsag3

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Haha I'd forgotten that one, I always heard it as a drunk will run a red light but a stoner will stop for a green one... classic. Here's my bit. A bus, carrying only butt-ugly people crashes into a gasoline truck and everyone inside burns and dies. They meet their Maker and, because of the...
  15. mrsag3

    Penalities for Growing Shrums

    Err, ok, my bad. The Shroomery used to have a legal forum where I thought you could get some specific info but I dont see it now... Maybe this will help then? Link from Erowid. State by state overview of laws and some penalties for psilocybin/psilocin...
  16. mrsag3

    Penalities for Growing Shrums

    If you haven't already you should stop by Post your question there and you're more likely to get the information you're looking for being that, well, it's a mushroom forum. Also great information, tutorials, FAQ, and generally an awesome community. Been a few years...
  17. mrsag3

    Rollitup Fantasy Fooball League

    I'm your huckleberry. I needed another team anyway. Redneck Redhair.
  18. mrsag3

    nute schedule?

    He's right though. Start slow and gradually increase, then cut back when you see any signs of burn. To be more precise about it, get a PPM meter then test and record as you increase to get a decent idea of what it should be at for your strain with those nutes. Final alternative, buy an...