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    TreeTop Growing !! ( ultra stelth)!!

    i grew in a large old growth stump once, worked out great for predator defence and thieves but pruning and watering were hard as the stump was 6 feet off the ground and hollow. tree method sounds great better brush up on your knots

    When should i pick a hermie

    i never saw any male flowers or pollen on any plants, will extra light in the dark cycle turn a plant hermie thanks for all the help

    When should i pick a hermie

    When should i pick a hermie, its got lots of seeds and is almost ready. Will the seeds be hermies to? Should i pick it when trics are foggy or wait for seeds to be ready. the smoke is not good as i tesyed it allready so its bound for the hash batch just wonerind about the quailty of seeds, none...

    mixing it up in the drying room

    so adding fresh buds to the room shouldnt affect the ones allready drying, maby even help keep the process even and slow. plan on drying hanging for a week or so then going to sweat them in the jars any tips or tricks would help thanks

    Cat Piss smell

    yeah thanks everyone the stone is great but not only does it smell and taste like cat piss, the smoke sticks to yer jacket and everything else maby someone was crossing this strain with another and ended up with this. i will post some pics and let you guys fill in the blanks gb

    Cat Piss smell

    I have an outdoor strain unknown and two years in a row ive been left with a beautiful full plant with great weight that smells like catpiss!!!My friends laugh when they smoke it. My other plants turned out great and i assume i did everything i right. Is it a shit strain? yes it is i guess is...

    mixing it up in the drying room

    Can i put fresh buds in drying room with others allready drying. Will this create more moisture in my half dry batch or will the moisture levels even out? My drying area is alot smaller then my harvest so im trying to do it in stages. should i just move the dryer buds further up in the room and...