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  1. mr spliff

    Pistils turning Brown?

    Hi i have a 30x mag and they look cloudy but the pistils are still very white?
  2. mr spliff

    Pistils turning Brown?

    hi, thanks for the quick reply!, whats the usuall time frame from just the tips browning to all turning brown? i know you prob cant guess but this is my 1st grow and the UK weather is getting very concerning! lol
  3. mr spliff

    Pistils turning Brown?

    Hi there im in week 9 with one of my plants and the tvery tips of the pistils are turning light brown, the trichs are getting cloudy too, im a novice at growing and wanted to know the time frame of pistils turning, how many % of these shall i let brown before harvesting?, im after the couch-lock...
  4. mr spliff

    How long till harvest time?

    thanks bricktop, this is my first grow and the weather is getting worse by the week!, theyre outside by the way! lol as far as i can tell the trichs are cloudy, looking at 30x mag. do i have to wait for all the hairs to turn? thankyou from a amature grower!
  5. mr spliff

    How long till harvest time?

    Hi there, i was wondering if anyone could tell roughly how long until my 1st plant is ready to hack, there is no red/orange hairs apart from on the very tips of the pistils, but the trichs are mostly cloudy now, is it possible to have no red hairs but still cloudy trichs? also feeding boi bizz...
  6. mr spliff

    Bump if u' Baked!!

    bump, bump, bump, bump........and so on!
  7. mr spliff

    budding and strain???????

    look like widdow
  8. mr spliff

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump lol, baked.............
  9. mr spliff

    hows this for a sea of green

  10. mr spliff

    Introduction/First Grow

    welcome, this is a great place :)
  11. mr spliff

    how long left for flowering?

    thanks, very helpfull, please see my grow album posted and help to identify the plants?, all are female
  12. mr spliff

    how long left for flowering?

    Here's pic if my best flowering plant, ill post more tomorrow of others for you to see, wanted to know roughly how long left, im uk by the way!!! you know our weather, just started getting fog am. ;( sorry for the quality!!! lol ill get some better ones
  13. mr spliff

    how long left for flowering?

    do i have to wait tfor the hairs to turn orange/red?
  14. mr spliff

    budding and strain???????

  15. mr spliff

    Salvia 10x was no joke for me!

    dude i tryed 80x through bong wow fuck me...... never again! lol
  16. mr spliff

    neighbors have caught me!!!!

    my neighbours smoke it! lol
  17. mr spliff

    how long left for flowering?

    im in week 5 with one plant and at week 3 with the others, all f1 widdows, the weather is worrying me, feeding bio bloom n topmax and they look very good:) any help? :peace: p.s is outdoor grow obviosly!
  18. mr spliff

    Good outdoor strain for uk grow

    hi im growing white widdow f1's outside from seed theyre excellent!
  19. mr spliff

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi fellow grower/smokers, im new to this forum but not new to growing!, ill be posting some pics of my current grow soon!