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  1. flow00

    First harvest...opinions on yeild wanted... 1 purple wreck 1 mystery plant PICSINSIDE

    I'd say you have under an ounce. It looks like your plants stretched a bit. You might want to try getting them closer to the lights next time.
  2. flow00

    Show me what ya got????? best pic's.... get +rep...

    Smurfberries, strawberry cough, kandy kush. Just switched to 12/12.
  3. flow00

    Should I use more than 5 gallons?

    Hi all. I've been vegging five 4-foot, bushy Smurfberrys for about 2.5 months. I switched the lights to 12/12 a few days ago. I'm worried that the 5-gallon bucket will be too small during flowering. The only indication I'm getting about the root structure is that the plants get bone dry two days...
  4. flow00

    A-TRAIN, 57 days in 12/12.... Looks like leaves are RUSTING? WTF

    Even if you do nothing with the plant other than water it, it will be better off than cutting it now, assuming all of your trichs are clear.
  5. flow00

    Question for people who use Fox Farm

    Every time I use Tiger, I higher the ph. Tiger drops the ph quite a bit, but if you add some PH UP to it, you should be alright.
  6. flow00

    smurfberry/ russian rocket fuel

    Your plants look good. I grew mine out by letting it veg for 2.5 months. I'm growing in soil, using the entire FF line. As for making a hermie, that's a bit difficult. You would need to stress the plant out, perhaps, by confusing it with light changes. But I wouldn't recommend it because you...
  7. flow00

    I under estimated

    Yea, I'd grow stinky herbs like sage. That's what i do.
  8. flow00

    Smurfberry Grow

    Smurfberries are falsely advertised as autos. You still have to switch the lights to 12/12. I have some now that are very bushy and tall after 2.5 months in veg.
  9. flow00

    smurfberry/ russian rocket fuel

    I'm not sure if you are aware, but smurfberries are NOT autos, despite how they are sold. Unlike all of the other autos, these will not flower without switching them to 12/12. I have some now that are 4.5 feet and very bushy. They are 2.5 months old. I will start flowering in a week. I've...
  10. flow00

    Plants started on 18 6 cycle anyone know how to put them outside without flowering

    I would wait to take them outside, if you are only getting 13 hours of light. Give it two weeks or even a month until you're seeing at least 14 hours of light.
  11. flow00

    Short Rider Questions

    Give the Short Rider another week to flower. It can take 3 weeks. It would help to see a photo.
  12. flow00

    light ran one time for 16 HR in my finshing room

    So you had the lights at 12/12 and one day the light was 16/8? If so, you should have no problems at all, assuming this was the only time.
  13. flow00

    rust spots & yellowing help......

    How old are the plants? Have you fed them cal/mag yet?
  14. flow00

    2 weeks in first grow. A few problems. Please help

    From looking at the photo, it looks like there is water droplets on your leaves. Be very careful when you water your plants, especially with nutes, so that you don't get it on your plants. It can burn them, and that may be the case with your plants. With that said, I've grown a lot of autos...
  15. flow00

    How early in a plants life can you use neem oil?

    I am using neem oil on plants that are 3 weeks old, and I've had no problem at all.
  16. flow00

    6 weeks start to finish???

    There are some alleged autoflowers that don't autoflower. Example is Smurfberry.
  17. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    It was a crazy weekend. I first spotted webs around four of my Sharks. Upon further inspection, spider mites have invaded. I bought a spray and Aza Max. I sprayed the leaves and used Aza Maz on the soil to kill the eggs. I hope I spotted the problem early enough. Here is a shot of my full...
  18. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Yep, I'm running 18/6. I would never go 12/12 because it significantly reduces yield. I experimented with it last year while I was flowering regular strains, and the yield was terrible.
  19. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Sure. I'll try to get the photos up tonight.
  20. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    My Easy Rider at 4.5 weeks under 1,000w.