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  1. S

    Root rot in advanced flower stage

    Well I'm using a root promoter now, plant has not got any worse but is there any point doing this? If there is a lot of roots rotted I would assume there would be a lot of nasty stuff still circulating which would consume any new root growth anyway. Should I try a clean out with physan or...
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    I need help cloning

    I never had much luck cloning in rockwool with a dome. Every time I would get mould as I could only attend to them once a day and the dome had no breather holes. Just a couple of suggestions… Firstly looks like you have the remnants of previous grows in your tray or at least residual...
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    Root rot in advanced flower stage

    Thanks for the input. Can anyone tell me if using SM-90 or other similar root promoting products so far into the flower stage will have any negative effects? Will it halt bud production? If so could this increase my chances of getting bud rot? I am keeping my flower room at 25 degrees c @ 45%...
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    Root rot in advanced flower stage

    Hi All. I have a bit of a root rot issue with this little one. It only popped up in the last few days when her pot started flooding and I needed to fix the blockage. As a result I found that a lot of the roots have become rotten due to standing water in the pot and the brown fungus was oozing...
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    Can I Get a Suntan Hanging Out with My Girls under the Hps Lights?

    A good friend of mine went under the knife recently to have a malignant growth (skin cancer) removed from his nose. He is very much a home body, rarely leaving his house and has been working with HPS lights for many years - he attributes the cancer to the lights. Obviously there is no evidence...
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    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Yeah I had this exact thing happen to a grow of mine a long time ago on one of my first grows. I never worked out what it was but the buds burned as if there was sulfur mixed in with it. I’d only need to light it the first time and with each toke it would crackle and fire up again – can't...
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    could pc fans be used on a cool tube>?

    I tried cooling a 400W HPS 125mm cooltube with a 125mm 240VAC PC fan with no luck, tried two - back to back so both pushing air through tube mounted together, tried pulling air through with both mounted together, tried one either end of the tube push/pull which worked a little better but no...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Anyone used the mortein window stickers for bug/insect control through a whole grow? They supposedly give off some fumes to kill insects which is why I'm asking. Plant is doing great but I dont want to go poisoning myself when I smoke. I'm sure they wouldn't cure a decent spider mite problem...
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    cloner system using ultrasonic mister

    Sorry to revive an older post but have you got your mister/fogger cloner up and going yet Imaulle? I started one off a few weeks ago and it's going great! Easiest cloner I have ever made. A few bugs I ironed out with mine which might help others... - Definitely use the teflon discs or RO'd...
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    Speedster and Fan Growl

    It's likely this has been mentioned in other threads but all of the vortex type centrifugal fans I have ever owned have a type of speed control built into them via the motor taps. In the main wiring box mounted on the side of the fan there will be a screw terminal strip, connected to this will...
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    Quick question about mylar

    Im happy to be corrected here if anyone has tried this and you’re right GWN it is not rocket science but when I first applied mylar in my grow area (mid way through heavy veg of a 4” tall SOG canopy) there were many bulged spots throughout as I had not yet secured the bottom of it, only the top...
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    Hydro Bagseed grow PH unstable

    Thanks for the replies. Although I did thoroughly wash the clay balls before use, soaked them for and hour with tap water and then ran water through them till no more residue was visable, I did not soak them in PH'd water. Is it possible clay balls are slightly alkaline when new, increasing...
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    Hydro Bagseed grow PH unstable

    Ok I will break down my last essay... What are the factors that will cause res PH levels to increase by themselves in a hydro setup? Is there any advantage having mylar underneath the plants so light can get to the lower leaves? Anyone try this before? Thanks
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    Hydro Bagseed grow PH unstable

    Hi All, long time lurker here firstly wanted to say thanks so much for all the great advice on here. Im currently in the early veg stage of what is really my first hydro grow, have started plenty before but as you know how it can go, never really finished any off worth writing about. To give...
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    Is anyone using a PLC, Programmable Logic Controller for a grow room controll??????

    I went with the keep it simple theory for this bit. I use a float valve (a cistern type) for water top up to my main res from a gravity fed RO res. The intention is the PPM will then decrease, the RTU detects this and runs the dosing logic based on predefined min values. I have an over flow...
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    Is anyone using a PLC, Programmable Logic Controller for a grow room controll??????

    Just a word of advice Mcgician, and not to dis you in any way but if I was not confident with this sort of thing Id be buying an off the shelf type product like those I mentioned above. I would be hesitant bringing someone else to my grow firstly but if it stopped working or stuffed up I...
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    Is anyone using a PLC, Programmable Logic Controller for a grow room controll??????

    Thanks for the link 3B they have some good gear. I have been looking around this site the last few days (excellent source of info, hopefully soon I can add something) and you seem to be an oracle on this sort of thing. I'm not a new to industrial PLC's/SCADA/RTU/IED nor to growing which is why...
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    Is anyone using a PLC, Programmable Logic Controller for a grow room controll??????

    It's great to find like minded growers out there! I've only just stumbled across this place as I have been setting up my own fully automatic/remote managed grow area. - Sorry to hijack another's thread...but thought I might be able to add something while I request some further info. I decided...