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  1. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    So here I am again, kids, with a little update from my garden. I know, I know, I don't stop in often enough, but since I'm in charge, well, that's just how it goes. I've been struggling to keep my mothers from getting all lanky without a good light, but I'll make do and then make new...
  2. YellowJuana Cake

    I don't see a picture here that would illustrate what you're saying. All look like girls from...

    I don't see a picture here that would illustrate what you're saying. All look like girls from far away, but until you take a close up of the nodes where you see the pollen sacs, no one can really say and help you out. Look here about 1/2 way down the page...
  3. YellowJuana Cake

    Welcome New Members!

    I am not new to growing, but I am new to this forum. Hi all! :hug: I haven't figured out how to link back to my journal in my signature, but here it is if ya wanna have a look: That will take you right to page 2...
  4. YellowJuana Cake

    Steamer - do you have pics of the plant you were asking for help on? If what you say about the...

    Steamer - do you have pics of the plant you were asking for help on? If what you say about the pollen sacs is true, then yes, you have a male plant, or a hermie, you should yank it before it turns your other girls into a seed crop.
  5. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Today I've stopped in to upload a few pics from the garden. Nothing special. Just lovely little pics without labels or anything, all for the love of this plant. Feel free to leave your positive feedback . . . . bongsmilie
  6. YellowJuana Cake

    new pics of my very 1st lady

    Who cares what the pros think? It makes you happy and undoubtedly you'll produce finer and finer results in the future. I'm no pro, but I think you did a fine job. :) Hope you'll let us know how it smokes out for you . . .
  7. YellowJuana Cake

    new pics of my very 1st lady

    I make my gumbo in a pot that size . . . she looks like a beauty! I bet she does smell wonderful, what kind is she, do you know?
  8. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Well, kids, I'm back with pics of the flower room. This is the AK47 end of week 3 flowering: Everything seems to be going as planned. There is another AK47 and an unknown sativa that tried to grow lumber, but I topped it, probably harvest that after the other AK. Oh well, I'll get the...
  9. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Just a quick update with a few pics from last week. This is the AK47 two weeks into flower: I noticed a strange bug that I've yet to identify on the leaves of my Diamond, so I began a 3 week Neem Oil treatment mid-week. The girls really seem to love the extra attention. The bugs...
  10. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    I knew it was bound to happen, some seedlings grow into male plants, that's how life works. I ended giving away 3 unknowns, one turned out to be male. Of the remaining 12, I've lost 6 to boyhood. :lol: It happens. I'm not particularly concerned due to the fact that I have a female AK to...
  11. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Well, kids, here I am again with some pictures I just took this morning. These latest are from one week into flowering. I have a few plants under that light right now who aren't flowering, but just enjoying the light for a while during the day. I'm flowering three unknown bagseed varieties...
  12. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Just a note that I started flowering today. The veg room has doors and is sealed for light, I added a fan for circulation and the temp and air flow are good when it's sealed tight, so I'm very happy and the girls are even happier. I will add more pics of the progress tomorrow. Recently, I've...
  13. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    Just thought I would comment on how no one here at RIU has left me any comments. I got a message from one :hug: kindred spirit, but as for the rest of the readers, they've had nothing to say. Or perhaps they've only respected my wishes and declined to comment due to the fact that I've asked...
  14. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    I finally got around to cutting the boards I needed for doors to the flower room. I found some cheap hardware to hang them and got the electrical wires all running the way I wanted. The room is sealed up tight for light leaks and ready to switch to flowering. I intend to thin the crowd of...
  15. YellowJuana Cake

    Collection of Cannabis Documentaries

    Excellent link. Thanks! +rep
  16. YellowJuana Cake

    Gazzettes first indoor fun run

    I love how people find ingenious ways to put recycled materials to good use. For example, the reflective qualities of a Sysco box are hard to beat on a budget . . . Excellent! :) Here's hoping they're all girls!
  17. YellowJuana Cake

    YellowJuana Cake's Garden

    My new favorite place to shop is the Garden Center over in town. I've made several trips to pick up this or that or just a few more potting bags, etc. The folks there are nice and they always hook me up with fun schwag like grow mags and stickers for my guitar case and stuff. It turns out...
  18. YellowJuana Cake

    Yeah, I'm an organic grower, so chemical killers are out of the question. I pick the lil...

    Yeah, I'm an organic grower, so chemical killers are out of the question. I pick the lil buggers off by hand when I see them, just squash them with my shoe. Somehow I always end up feeling guilty and have started chucking them out the nearest window, instead. Still, I hear they're attracted...
  19. YellowJuana Cake

    Did you ever get rid of your leafhoppers? Just wondering, I have a few in my garden, but more...

    Did you ever get rid of your leafhoppers? Just wondering, I have a few in my garden, but more in the living room by the woodpile . . . they don't seem to cause any trouble to the plants and like to hang out near the lights, but I killem anyway.
  20. YellowJuana Cake

    Thanks, Man, it just warms the cockles of me itty bitty heart to know that someone actually...

    Thanks, Man, it just warms the cockles of me itty bitty heart to know that someone actually looked. :)