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  1. ms. green bud

    do you have to hang dry ????

    :joint:Thank you so much. question.... the buds I have dried, I put into jars to cure. I open the jars every 4 hours or so to let in new oxygen. smells a little green ???? any reason that would be ? maybe not dry enough before putting in the jars ? what if anything can I do to help ...
  2. ms. green bud

    do you have to hang dry ????

    :weed:thank you all for the replies. I figured drying was the way to go...I dont have alot, its just for me, bout a #. Didnt know though if the buds continued to soak up THC fron the stalk or not, figures it might dry better if not on the stalk but you are right, it does flatten it and I dont...
  3. ms. green bud

    the great state of ny

    Just pulled all 8 of my girls. The trichs were abt 70/30. The weather is gettin cold anyway. we had a hard frost here in CNY saturday morning... Since mine were in the ground, had to pull 'em. Our growing season here just isnt long enough..ugh !!! unless you grow indoors... :joint:
  4. ms. green bud

    do you have to hang dry ????

    question, I just harvested all my girls... Do they have to be hung t odry correctly ? In the past I have cut all the bud off and dried on screen racks. Does it make a difference ? does drying it one way produce more THC than another ? thnks for the help :) Happy smokin bongsmilie pass it...
  5. ms. green bud

    the great state of ny

    I'm to sketched out to order seeds online. I get clones or keep seeds from really good bud that I come across. Although IDK about anyone else but its even hard to find anything good around here.:cuss: thank god its almost harvest. I see copters and planes over my house all the time, people get...
  6. ms. green bud

    the great state of ny

    hear ya tomatoes got it this year too.... my girls are doing great though...heres some pics... let me know what you all think... im about 7 weeks into flowering. I have 6 white widow and 3 that Im not sure of but they have very purple pistols :) yummy
  7. ms. green bud

    Is anyone in upstate ny flowering?

    Im about 8 weeks into flowering and in CNY. Hopefully mine will b done in a week or 2 cuz the cold weather is gonna come quick this year.
  8. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    its dry this morning and im about to try it. :) was a small bud so didnt take long to dry.
  9. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    well, im not sure... was already high to begin with but it tasted really good... I have another small bud that I just cut up, put in a small paper pag in a closet:)
  10. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    I'll try that also. I didn't think the microwave was a good idea. Figured it removed the THC. Thanks
  11. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    unfortuneately, im in NY and there is no sun to be seen this weekend... Guess I'll try the microwave method with a little bud ???
  12. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    I could do that, didn't wanna wait a day though, lol...
  13. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    I heard that also, just thought it was weird ? wont it remove the THC ? or make it taste like hay ?
  14. ms. green bud

    how to dry it to try it ?

    So, I know my girls are almost ready, another week or two. trics are mostly milky.. I want to cut a small bud to try it but you just cant cut and smoke... how do I dry a small popcorn bud just to try it ? I've heard microwave, buy I dont wanna do that. Plzzz help. thnks all:leaf:
  15. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    oh, cool. never seen the stuff. I'll have to give it a try. :) thanks !!
  16. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    oh awesome, I'll try that :) thanks !!
  17. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    Thanks. what do you mean gravity ?
  18. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    thanks... i think its gonna frost early in ny this year... and I really would like it if they went another month. hopefully they'll turn out ok ?
  19. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    Ive added one more pic. Should anyone know what strain they might think it is , well, that'd be great. :roll:
  20. ms. green bud

    what do you think ?

    :eyesmoke: Hello all. So Im about 7 weeks into flowering. I have 9 girls. I have grown a few times but just simply fertilize & water. All in all I usually do quite well. I wanted to do a little better this year. I dont know the strain, 3 of my plants are from good seed and 6 are clones A friend...