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  1. shats

    Severe Problem or Severe Paranoia?

    they look like swollen tricombs under the leaves to me theres 3 diffrent types of tricombs on plants and with 100X your probably seeing the smallest kind swollen up. im no pro only on my 3rd grow so maybe someone with a bit more experience could help more...
  2. shats

    YO i got that ISH!

    I'm on my 3rd grow right now all bag seed. when i named them i got really high and just named them random things. i have one in DIY hydro just called hydro and one called orange bucket well...because its in an orange container i also had 2 males and a hermie called them sf1 (short n fat), bush...
  3. shats

    Are these white dots resin?

    they are called tricombs. thc will start to cover the leaves and buds as you get further and further into flowering.
  4. shats

    SMG's Guerrilla Outdoor '09

    I gave you some +rep a few days ago loved reading all 37 pages nice grow. reading this was like the journey you had growing outside and the experiences that came with it. subscribed now.