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  1. zerowned

    Aqua Globe

    yeah do those actually work lol i should go get one and test it on one
  2. zerowned

    Want to clone my top, where should i cut?

    I'm new to this but I topped all my plants and a few I did at between 2 and 3(may have been 3 and 4) and I got 2 large tops and then 2 smaller on the opposite side, the rest I did at 4/5 and only got 2 tops total. the few that I did the 4 tops turned out male, which sucked. but I still got 14...
  3. zerowned

    CFL Light Bar - Proof of Concept

    yeah true it seems deadly but as long as the wire is not broken all should be good, its when you forget to cap the ends and they start touching the metal or eachother or YOU that it becomes an issue :p all in all i like that set up and ill probably try it out... pretty easy looking
  4. zerowned

    CFL Light Bar - Proof of Concept

    does it puncture the wire to make the connection?
  5. zerowned

    [urgent]How to switch to flowering

    I think HE thinks we are telling him to put his plants on a 12pm 12am sched... get a timer put the on time to 8pm and the off time to 8am, that way you get your 12 hours on from 8pm to 8am pretty easy. I wouldn't worry about turning the lights off for 30 hours or whatever crazy number you...
  6. zerowned

    looking to confirm a hermie

    the water is mixed with EM, Effective Microorganisms, made by a guy that I know locally. This site has a run down of what it is but may not be exactly what I have. all 3 are the same age (sept 26 2009), same light, same watering. I was told the seeds came from 3...
  7. zerowned

    looking to confirm a hermie

    Thats what I was thinking, all the males showed fast, they had large sacks by now, this one has showed pistils on the top and those 2 little roundish things in the middle.
  8. zerowned

    looking to confirm a hermie

    so I was inspecting a female plant and saw this, it doesn't look like all the males I just got rid of but it doesn't look like any of the females I have kept either. I've never had a hermie so I don't really know what I'm looking at and I was hoping somebody has seen these before and can tell me...
  9. zerowned

    Rain Water

    make sure its not runoff from the roof. all sorts of chems from asphalt shingles, if you have the old wooden roof those may have chemical treatments on it as well. if its a metal roof that will change your ph, if its rain falling directly into your bucket youll be good to go though. we have a...
  10. zerowned

    help identifying plant

    You will have to grow that for a long time to find out what it is... right now that's a seedling lol. from my understanding you wont be able to find out what strain it is until its flowering near the end. so keep tending to it make it happy and let it grow
  11. zerowned

    its a male right

    yeah ill chop and burn probably. keep the soil put the roots in the compost and call it a day
  12. zerowned

    its a male right

    yeah totally, Ive been reading this forum for a while now learning about how to tell the genders and such so that helped a lot too, but I figured it would be safe to ask just to make sure I didn't chuck out something worth keeping. I have a huge bag full of seeds left too, well over 100... from...
  13. zerowned

    its a male right

    Thats good to know, I'll make sure to sprout like that in the future and see how it works out yeah I figured it was probably a male with the sacs, just wanted to post and see what other more experienced growers thought, I have 6 with small white pistils for sure. yeah I've noticed that, all...
  14. zerowned

    its a male right

    Just want to confirm these pictures as male plants so I can free up the room and start some cloning or new seedlings this picture is one of the best i could get at the time, those are sacs correct? the rest have those too so its my best guess that they are males?
  15. zerowned

    when will stink come?

    is that fan blowing air towards the bottom of that 5gal pail or pulling air up through the holes?
  16. zerowned

    Cheap, Good lighting, (possibly) (Your thoughts??)

    vent into your room and keep the window open, thats about all i could think of, you wont need to worry about smell for the first while if you are vegging and not 12/12. on another note, I was fixing my lights and in the process one slipped and took out 3 of my little plants :/ but i managed to...
  17. zerowned

    Cheap, Good lighting, (possibly) (Your thoughts??)

    +rep for the awesome ms paint diagram. that actually helped me think of a new way to mount my lights to get the most out of them. the fixtures will put off some heat, each one has a ballast inside and I find they get moderately warm, get a thermometer and monitor it to see how hot it gets...
  18. zerowned

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    Just found this and really want to see the flowering on LED subbed.
  19. zerowned

    a little experiment i did with milk in water!

    lol the next post will be "my plant wont stop puking, i think its lactose intolerant"
  20. zerowned

    First time grower (outdoor)... So far so good? How long to harvest?

    it looks like your plant was fertilized by a male plant and those seeds are the result, the plant is now putting most of its energy into making those seeds so the buds will be smaller from what ive read here and understand. As for that particular plant getting bigger buds now that it is...