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    First Plant

    im gonna do some indoor its gonna be in about a 5ft long by 3 foot width closet the door will be open mostly all the time so should i still need a fan of some sort im gonna start the germination process tommorow more then likely i figured i could start off with something a little bit better...
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    Holes in leaves from insects. What do I do?

    post a picture so we can figure out what insect it is thats eating ur plant if u cant id it
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    My buddy wants to have a grow off

    lol^^^ hopefully he didnt jynx it for ya but go for it and have a good time
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    First Plant

    So here i am looking to grow my first plant debating northern lights or some haze i would really like sour deisel any suggestions tips would help thanks :wall::bigjoint:
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    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    lol all good jokes
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    new to the game

    nice plant bro welcome
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    New to the site

    New to the site and wanted to introduce myself from nh:leaf: so here i am and hopefully i can help some people on here
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    Busted by the wife

    damn dude that sucks getting busted
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    How do You freeze Leaves?

    zip lock is what i use also