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  1. S

    My First Plant And Does It Have A Problem?

    Yea. Probably just overfed them. Btw, what part of South Florida you in? I'm in South Florida too.
  2. S

    I Think I Found A Good Stoner Job

    I think it sounds like an awesome job. Btw, where are you located at Sunny?
  3. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    When do you think my little girl will be done? Although, she isnt nearly as good looking as the previous plants on here. She's my first one and i'm proud of her. ^_^
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    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    Yea, I figured it wouldnt like it, plus they said its too small. So, its in a bigger pot now, not much bigger but still bigger. And it doesnt have a weird bottom like that one does.
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    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    thought I'd post to say its doing ok. I've had some leaves on the bottom start to yellow and die, so I pulled them, and about one or two more. Now, its budding and is doing great. If you guys see anything else I should do, just let me know...The first pic shows it budding, the second shows the...
  6. S

    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    Lol. thanks, I got it into a bigger pot right now, not much bigger, but bigger. I am going to try to find some soil, then I'll re-plant it into a pretty big pot. But, I need new soil first. With no money, and living in florida, its hard to come by good soil.
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    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    Thanks for the info, but, I dont have any bigger pots. thats all I had. So, it has to stay there. And, I cant transplant it into the ground, because there is no where to do that, plus, florida soil is all basically sand...And, I've tried to water it until water comes out of the bottom, but it...
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    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    Come on. Surely some one knows how to help out a newb. I've kept it in the sun from morning until it sets. I am in florida. So, it rises maybe about 7 and dont set until around 7:30 or so...It gets fairly hot here too. I dont know what the problem is. Someone help!
  9. S

    HELP! First time grow. need help.

    Hey, this is my first grow, and I need help. My plant has been going good until recently. I've got it in a small pot. Its the only one I have. I've used regular soil, and have been told it has slowly releasing plant food in it. I've watered it when I noticed the top was dry, maybe a little a day...