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  1. 4

    whats wrong with these plants?? pics

    thnx for the advice, i just checked the ph lvl of the soil and it is alittle higher than i thought ....ranging from 7.2 to would i go about lowering this ?? if i water them with low ph water i might be overwatering cuz they are watered up....
  2. 4

    whats wrong with these plants?? pics

    actually im still working on the intake/exhaust system for the room right now i have the closet door open and a fan blowing fresh cool a/c air into the room and the little fan in the corner oscillating... the room is around 77f and very windy ....its quite comforable in there ....i know cuz i...
  3. 4

    whats wrong with these plants?? pics

    Thnx for your reply , ok what can i do to help them recover or is recovery even possible at this point, this is my first grow so im lil noobish altho ive done much research before starting this venture...i got a ph meter and my tap water is 7.9 but i bring it down to 6.6 before i add nutes
  4. 4

    whats wrong with these plants?? pics

    hi im growing some in the aerogarden and soil , the soil is sunshine #4 mix , using gh nutes, ph is ok , temp is ok , soil has 400 watt hps not too close , most of the plants look great but these pics are of the ones that seem to be sick and im treating them the same as the plants that are now...
  5. 4

    seedling curling under! why?

    thnx man appreciate the response
  6. 4

    seedling curling under! why?

    hi im using the aerogarden on salad greens , 24 hr lights on , GH nuts ph 6.7 other plants are doing ok but this one is curling under hardcore and roots seems to be healthly Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this little one named curly here is a pic