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  1. samjroor

    Les Paul Google Guitar !!

    fuck ya! that was sick haha did you do play that ganja??
  2. samjroor

    Les Paul Google Guitar !!

    You can record and post your stoned creations! :eyesmoke:bongsmilie this google homepage is awesome heres the only one i recorded sounds kinda cool...
  3. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Past Few days have been going good, i feel like they could be growing faster but maybe im being too anxious lol Temps at the highest got up to 84 but only for a short time, got the T5 lights about 1-3 inches above the plants, and transplanted them from party cups to there final containers...
  4. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Thanks man, and ya i don't think it was too much of problem before but it was an easy fix, didn't go overboard but got more water around, and hung up a damp towel behind the fan and that is seeming to do the trick. Iv read that you want lower rh during flowering, esp in the last 2 weeks, so its...
  5. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Got my conditions closer to ideal, humidity is up to 49% and temps around 78-81 Think they will be happier
  6. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    I think i can get away without the humidifier, added more pots and pans of water below the plants and rh increased from 29% up to 34-35% so far Hopefully the added water will get it above 40% and im sure the mist will help
  7. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    should i get a dome to put over them? or is that going to restrict too much air at this point? I have some water sitting out to evaporate but that seemed to raise the humidity only a few percent Maybe today ill get a better mist bottle, the one i have only sprays, or maybe a humidifier if there...
  8. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    quick update, everything seems okay so far, temps have been staying around 78-81 degrees and 30-33% humidity. Today i bought some Neem oil too, id like to make some sort of bug spray mixture to prevent any mites or what not. Day 8 for Larry Blue #1 and Day 6 for Larry Blue #3 and 4 LB#1...
  9. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    I got the seeds from Progressive Options, i cant remember exactly what he said but think i got the last pack of this particular cross.. not sure about that though! there on weed tracker, you can check out whats in stock Ya love blue dream, the smell, the taste, the high, one of my favorites...
  10. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Unfortunately i lost one of my little ones, I'm not exactly sure what went wrong but i think it might have been planted a bit too shallow maybe dried out.. idk :-( Heres the surviving girls Growth seems to have slowed down a little with my oldest, LB#1 #2 is deceased :-( This one here...
  11. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Nice! had to go grub some food but ill read more bout them later. whats difference? they just start to flower on their own?
  12. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Ok cool good to know. I haven't really read much about auto strains.. I think i'll look into that , a harvest every month or so would be real nice!
  13. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Originally i was going to buy some fox farm nutrients, or something similar, but the owner of the shop gave me a sample 3 part nutrient box Its called Hydroponix, but he said it works great for soil too.. not sure what to think about it, theres no info about whats in it on the bottle or there...
  14. samjroor

    New Grow - From Seed - Cataract Skunk and Short Bus

    Lookin goood man! Enjoy that harvest and good luck with the babies, ill be checking for updates for sure
  15. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Start the day off with some coffee and snaps, cant get much better Im starting to realize i need to partition off the t5 section, or get some sleepin shades hah At this point all 4 seeds are in soil, still one that hasn't broken through the dirt yet Heres a few pics, starting with the...
  16. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    right on man, ill be sure to check yours out.. its all iv been thinking about since i started this project haha. And for the fan, ya i just took my closet doors, rails off and mounted the fan right to the closet frame, and the hot air gets exhausted up into the attic
  17. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Phew! ok fixed that problem, got the fan going and the second seed just got through the soil good timing on that one haha Im glad i decided to come here for help =D
  18. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    Thanks exception! After watering the soil before planting i'v done very little watering but with the cover over the cup its staying moist. One thing i was slightly unsure about is when to put them directly under the T5, should i wait till the first set of leafs open? right now i have a paper...
  19. samjroor

    First Time Grower - DR120 600w Hps

    This will be my first time growing and only started a couple weeks ago, I must say its been a lot of fun already and cant wait to really see these babies take off! :lol: Being that it is my first time i decided to go with soil, but maybe 2nd time around ill try some sort of hydro method...