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  1. K

    how much longer? 7 weeks flowering

    roseman: why the hostility? no one's hostile here. smoke a joint! ;) also, your pictures and information are extremely useful and spot on. i'm going to use them from now on. thank you!
  2. K

    how much longer? 7 weeks flowering

    tilemaster has it right: check the trichromes with a scope. look at pictures online of examples of ready trichromes and also of not done trichromes as a reference. also, if you have a good vaporizer (like the valcano) you can vaporize right off the plant. it usually takes a minute before the...
  3. K

    HELP PLEASE! 10 weeks into flower light left on too long

    I accidentally left my 1000w HPS on for 4 hours longer than it should be. I hope I don't get a hermie, but it from the sound of it, it looks like I'll be ok. These forums f*cking rock.
  4. K

    Commercial weed

    smelling bacon here?
  5. K

    Nute burn or heat stress or ...? *pics*

    hey man, how are these doing? that looks like PH fluctuation to me. i've seen that spotty 'rust' before when the PH was way too low. just my opinion. now that your PH is good it should be fine. but like someone said before, the damage that is done will stay. if a leaf is more than 50% damaged...
  6. K

    strange brown spotting on leaves...??

    ah, that's very clever. i did that for a while. however, my grow is also in my bedroom. the light was leaking a bit because of ventilation holes and it was messing with my sleep patterns. now i have it set to go off for 3 hours starting at 11 PM and on 21 hours at 2 am (by that time i'm asleep...
  7. K

    strange brown spotting on leaves...??

    Hello there, I have almost the same setup, except I'm using HPS (I might be switching to MH for obvious reasons), and my average temperature was much less, and I started from seed. I keep the temp at 70-75. Sometimes, though, it has krept up to 85 which is why I think the brown spotting...
  8. K

    strange brown spotting on leaves...??

    Did anyone ever answer you? Did you figure out the problem? I'm having a very similar problem, so if you know what's up, please share the info! If not, anyone else know?? Thanks!
  9. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello fellow gardeners/farmers! I have a hydroponic drip system setup inside a 4' x 4' x 6.5' hydrohut. I'm using a 600 watt HPS lamp and I have a strong inline fan that pulls air over the light and out the top (forgot the CFM, but it's enough - the hydrohut walls suck in when the hydrohut is...