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  1. S

    Brown spots/Leaves Curling up, Help!

    Hey everyone, The strain I am growing is highly sativa. During veg everything was perfect but now 3 weeks into flower I'm having problems. My setup: 250W HPS + 86W side lighting 2700K CFL 3 gallon pot Plant is currently 45" tall. Using FF nutes following nutrient schedule. using ff...
  2. S

    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Ok I switched to 12/12 as of yesterday. Switched to my HPS for my overheard and switched to two 2700K 43W compacts for the side lighting. She is about 17" tall now. Take a look :)
  3. S

    Story: Getting Busted by the German Police

    Thought everyone would enjoy a story from a couple years ago when I was living in Europe (I'm american) So here's the context: I'm just out of college and I took a job that needed me to move to Germany for a couple years. I spoke broken but OK German at the time of this story. When I...
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Ok have some updated pics from today. Like I said before...I untied her so she is starting to straighten herself out again but as you can see she has a smaller "second cola" growing out of her side. She is about 12" now and I will begin to flower in about 2 weeks.
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Nice, my first subscriber! Glad to have you along for the ride. A quick update. I have since moved my MH light about 5 inches closer to my baby. It is now only about 11" from the plant. I know that seems close but I did the hand test and the warmth felt completely acceptable. I have really...
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Since I am bushing out the plant a bit I wanted to make sure I have enough light hitting the lower side branches. I rigged up a lighting setup with two 27W daylight CFL's. I put these in a y-splitter and then into a worklight with a reflector. As you can see in the pics I have it on the right of...
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    OK, so I began the LST process last night. Below are some pictures of how she looks 24 hours after the bending. The way it looks right now, I think I may just leave it be and not do anymore bending. I know some people like to continue to bend it all the way around the pot but I feel that will...
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Well, I was away for a couple days and I came back to some nice growth. Your plant seems to grow so slow when you check it everyday so it was nice to be away and then come back to a nice surprise :). Here are some updated pics. She is now 22 days old. I will begin LST (a reccomendation from a...
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    any comments?
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    I will be updating pics every couple of days. Here is info on the strain I am growing:
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    First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

    Hey Everyone! Welcome to my first grow. All comments/questions are welcomed and appreciated in this thread. I chose to grow La Lybella, a new 90% sativa dominant strain from Dutch Passion Seeds. I prefer uplifting energizing highs as opposed to couch lock stones which is why I chose the...
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    To Top Or Not To Top...That is the Question

    Hey everyone! I am currently working on my first grow. I've done a lot of research and my plant looks great as of right now. Here is my question: I have a rather small (area wise) grow room about 2ft by 2ft. I do have a lot of veritcal space however (around 5ft for the plant to grow)...
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    Stinky buds

    Hey everyone, Just a quick question. I have a closet growroom setup with a can fan directly exhausting into my chimney. I'm close to flowering and I know odors will increase ten fold when I do. My chimney goes up 3 stories and exhausts on the roof (obviously). My question is, do you think the...
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    Odor Opinion

    Hey everyone, Just a quick question. I have a closet growroom setup with a can fan directly exhausting into my chimney. I'm close to flowering and I know odors will increase ten fold when I do. My chimney goes up 3 stories and exhausts on the roof (obviously). My question is, do you think...