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  1. S

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Any help with my grow here: would be appreciated.
  2. S

    About to start

    I'm using 2 part Aqua Vega made by canna. The guy in the growshop said it was perfect for a DWC/Bubbleponics system. If anyone can suggest anything with regards to what that curling of the leaves although I have raised the humidity in the box which seems to have had a positive impact on my...
  3. S


    I'm no expert, I'm only a few days ahead of you, however I'm pretty sure that lid is a massive nono. It's going to be letting in light which will cause root rot, you need to masking tape that baby up, you can see how I've done mine here...
  4. S

    About to start

    I've just put a towl in the box hanging up and sprayed the plants with some Ph balanced water, hopefully that will help with the curling leaves.
  5. S

    About to start

    Reet, my internet has been down for a while and I had a small distraction of a nice trip to Dam (Greenhouse didn't have any Alaskan ice, I cried a little. Anyway, things are starting to explode, got some serious roots taking shape and the plant are starting to look like plants. Sadly only 3...
  6. S

    About to start

    Cheers man, they are like small and stony like, although they are hydroton clay pebbles. Anyway everything is in place and ready to go, apart from the fact my irrigation hub is yet to arrive, so I've had to hold things off which is annoying, really want to get this going. Will crank the...
  7. S

    About to start

    Right some pics. First of, the res and cups. A £3 box from ASDA holds 9Gallons tapped up with some normal black masking tape that is 100% light proof. Once everyting is going I will also be masking around the edges of the cups to ensure that they are also light proof around the edges also. The...
  8. S

    About to start

    Posting on forums when high is hard work, I did indeed mean 12/12! Right, well everything is set up and I've built the system, just waiting for the PH meter and Irrigation Hub to arrive in the post and everything will be good to go. (I'll get some pics up when the gf comes back from work as...
  9. S

    About to start

    My first ever soil grow is about to finish and ut;s looking quite nice, with some pretty nice buds. However, after discovering Bubbleponics soon after starting my first grow I quickly decided this was the way forward. So, I will be putting my kit together this afternoon and there was a few...