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  1. C

    Is it possible to grow a small plant on your window ledge ?

    coool ive took them out at just the right time asss the nights are drwaing in soo thinck my plant will beggin to flowerrr i wud be happy with a 12 in plant as long as i can get ajoint out of itt how big was your yield off each plant m8
  2. C

    Is it possible to grow a small plant on your window ledge ?

    Is it possible to gorw a plant on a window ledge my plant is about 9 inshes tall and i am thnking off just leaving it on my window ledge as an exxperiment i dont care about big yields iam only intrested that it would stay healthy an produce a bud or 2
  3. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    SOunddd but imm on a budget if u can buy 8ft cylinders at over that tell me the siteee man and no 200 fl
  4. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    ive just looked m8 and they aint half as big as mine
  5. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    he lights are about 5 inches away andd cud post sum pics of your plants iam intriged......... and btw its my first groww
  6. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    sorry its 7 weeks and ermm currently i am on a 16/8 scedual soo as soon as i leave in dark for 24 hours and start the 12/12 theyll double in size ?????and its my first grow soo iam only using 200 w ive only got 3 plantss and i got feminized seeds from the nirvava seed bank (indoor mixx so i dont...
  7. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    no there not auto flower those pics wer takin a week ago and all am asking iss shud i start it noww coz i just want to flower them noww and also if my stem is to week i will just support it tt
  8. C

    Is it time to start flowering ?

    my plants are 8 weeks old and have shown sex in the last week there all female soo when shud i switch too 12/12 and start the flowering period also my plants are 8 inshes tall wid around 14 to 16 leavs ... is this normall.. thanks
  9. C

    Keeping plants small...

    hey m8 if i was you idd minimize everythink slightly and keep your lights closebut no to close because they might strech and paint your grow box white as this dose not reflect lots of lite on to your plant this will stunt the groth nd also dont use nutes until 2 weeks before flowering i had...
  10. C

    Are my plants small for there age

    thanks guys its my first grow and am using 200 w fl about 4 inch's above my planst iam am watering every 3 or so days with a cup full on mg nutes to every 1 liter of room tempwater my humibity and temps are all fine am just wondering when ill be able to move them into the flowering stage as...
  11. C

    Are my plants small for there age

    heyy my plants are 6 weeks old and are from the nirvarna seed bank feminized indoor mixxx are they looking okk orr ... all comments will be appreciated thanksss:bigjoint: