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  1. X

    Anyone know what this is? DWC plants just look sickly.

    I think it was mostly a pH issue, it seems to be better now that I got a new pH meter...but some of your suggestions sound like they could be right too. Water temp stays around 73-74 degrees or cooler. Water in my area isn't too bad, I use tap water with a saltless softener system and carbon...
  2. X

    Anyone know what this is? DWC plants just look sickly.

    Air stones are still pretty much brand new, the water definitely bubbles, and I add cal/mag to my tap water which already has 200ppm, I've thought of both of those things already it just doesn't make sense ya know?
  3. X

    Anyone know what this is? DWC plants just look sickly.

    Plants were doing great for 3 weeks, I checked them yesterday and BAM, they're all sick looking. I kind of saw it coming, because the roots were getting a little yellow. I thought they might need nutrients, so I added a little, just so my ppm was at 400ish. I'm using a 18 gallon rubbermaid DWC...
  4. X

    Can't really tell what this is...

    root rot seems unlikely in a DWC system, i have 3 airstones in there and a 30-60 gallon pump (18 gallon rubbermaid) so it should be good i'd think...and nute burn at 400 ppm a month in? Seems odd.
  5. X

    Can't really tell what this is...

    The roots look kind of brown, not the pale white they were when they started popping out of the net. I try to keep my pH between 5.8 and that right? And my TDS was no higher than 400 when this picture was taken. Don't have an EC meter, guess I should get one when I replace my pH meter...
  6. X

    Can't really tell what this is...

    I want to say this is a combination of pH fluctuation (my pH meter has been a little goofy lately) and mag deficiency? Problem is I can't really tell, some of the leaves don't look anything like the guides I've read. I'm using tap water in a DWC rubbermaid. Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom...
  7. X

    My First Sea Of Green!

    Anyone still following this? I harvested this batch and smoked it all already. No more growing for me. I'm done. Got rid of all my equipment. Too much to worry about. Was nice for a little while though.
  8. X

    Why is my Stem Purple and Red...?

    some strains get the red stems naturally. the big bang strain i grow gets red stems but the blueberry skunk i grow doesnt. they are both grown in the same environment and fed the same nutes at the same times. yet their growth characteristics are very different and give me two very different...
  9. X

    My First Sea Of Green!

    Disaster struck this evening. During my nightly hang-out with the plants I took to inspecting them a little bit closer...and on one of the plants there seemed to be an extra bit of growth at a few nodes where there is usually just a single calyx. Upon closer inspection of these growths, I...
  10. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    So far this is working amazingly. I have this line of weed in front of me still to be smoked...all the weed that would have gone into a blunt normally...and I've been hitting my illadelph and after just one bowl pack and a little bit of time for it to creep up on me, I feel pretty much just as...
  11. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    I already took this step unfortunately. I went from smoking big fat Dutchies all the time to smoking cigarillos. This keeps each blunt to about .5 - .7g...anything less than that is too much paper IMO... I am intrigued by this glass blunt...I have heard of it before but I may have to try it...
  12. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    Ok this doesn't have to turn into a flame fest...I do smoke good weed Sneezy, nothing with seeds nothing compressed and if you don't believe me I have pictures of the plants that I grow and have grown. I live in Florida so it's not hard to find good weed. It IS possible to enjoy good weed out of...
  13. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    That's what I'm thinking too man. I took this pill called Chantix to quit smoking ciggs. I still have some. I wonder if it would work for blunts now that I haven't smoked a cigg since March? Only thing is that the Chantix made my stomach issues worse while I was taking it...but that made me...
  14. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    Tried it man I'm telling you, I can't figure out how. :-|
  15. X

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    Hey everyone, As you can read from the title, I'd like to quit smoking blunts. Not weed itself, just weed rolled into blunts. I have a number of reasons for this... 1. I'd rather not be smoking anything paper 2. I smoke quite a few times throughout the day for stomach problems, and smoking...
  16. X

    how to take pot on a plane

    There is a much better way of smuggling weed on a plane but since no one has posted it yet I'm not gonna go give away my secret to the whole world...LOL The container I use can only hold about an 1/8th per container though so I guess it wouldn't help you much. Just remember there ARE such...
  17. X

    My First Sea Of Green!

    So I was a little disappointed with how slowly the buds were forming, and was concerned that I might not be able to reach my half pound goal to last until next harvest. I didn't want to get another HPS, so I decided to use some LED light to supplement my 250w HPS. I also started using CarboLoad...
  18. X

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Why would you randomly say that? I don't think a 12 year old could grow a plant like that... Post reported...
  19. X

    My First Sea Of Green!

    The ladies are starting to look pretty nice, I figure the one Blueberry Skunk plant is about a week behind the 3 Big Bang plants. The Blueberry Skunk is in the last picture. Today I bought some Advanced Nutrients CarboLoad to get some extra weight out of my buds. Hopefully I'll notice them...
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    what do you find disrespectful?

    For anyone who does not know or has never worked at a restaurant job: Employers in the US ARE allowed to pay someone less than minimum wage if you make any sort of money from tips. This applies to delivery drivers, servers, hosts...anything. The excuse is that whatever amount under minimum...